Jerry Gonzalez operates Sam Zamarripa’s illegal alien lobby here in Georgia…
Wanna see what Jerry thinks about enforcing the law?
Read this from New American Media. Please know that Jerry knows the difference between “immigrants [1]” and illegal aliens…but it is hard for him to make a living if he admits that fact.
Mapping the [illegal alien] Movement: Georgia
New America Media, Sep 27, 2006
JERRY GONZALEZ, Galeo Latino Community Development Fund, Atlanta, GA
There’s been a backlash. Our governor Sonny Perdue is running an anti-immigrant campaign. Exactly one week after 70,000 people marched for immigrant rights (on April 10) he signed into law SB 529, the most restrictive anti-immigrant legislation that is based on the Colorado law. [ Note from D.A. – Jerry is hoping that nobody knows the Georgia law was passed in April 2006 and the Colorado law[s] in July 2006. Jerry and the truth are very distant strangers.]
We were the most vocal opposition of the legislation. They were intent on passing something, so we worked with them to make sure the law included three non-negotiable things: that it protect children, pregnant women and access to higher education. Now there are rumblings of taking away access to higher education, and there’s talk of a statewide ban on renting to undocumented immigrants.
Spanish media was critical for mobilizing the big march, particularly Spanish radio. We also went on the Korean radio station WPBC-AM 1310 in Duluth to let the Korean community know what we did. Our interview on the local talk show with Kevin Kim was simultaneously translated into Korean.
Read the rest [2]…yawn.