September 6, 2006

ICE most wanted willing workers

Posted by D.A. King at 12:21 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Wanna see who is most wanted by the ICE?

From GALEO: Info on a documentary made to explian how to fight SB 529

Posted by D.A. King at 12:16 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The illegal alien lobby has made a documentary film on how to fight SB 529.


See here.


Posted by D.A. King at 12:01 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The below is one of many that I get here. Don’t bother sending this willing worker any response as his hotmail address is, as usual, not a real working address.

How do you say coward en Espanol ?

The following person contacted us on August 29, 2006: [ unedited]

Nohseu Rabbo Enffio Thuddo L. Grosso


Peabody, MA 01960

Phone number:

Email address:
“Nohseu Rabbo Enffio Thuddo Grosso”

DO NOT send me email alerts.


Dear losers :

I feel quite amused by your ridiculous efforts in order to detain illegal immigration…we already are all over
and within a decade, you will be ruled by us! It would be ludicrous not to accept that. it is a fact! Yesterday we were illegal immigrants, border jumpers. Tomorrow, voters, dear Mr. King…voters, and as you are aware of, our families quite prolific, which means more voters…
why should we be worried if your government does support our needs?? you are the closest thing to resemble the white scum that afloats when feces sail along…so are your associates and supporters…
I honestly doubt that you would have the courage to publish this letter…

Sincerely despising you…

Nohseu Rabbo Enffio Thuddo Grosso


Technical information:
Remote addr:
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0)


Jerry Gonzalez and the rest of the illegal alien lobby hold seminars on how to convince us to drink our Kool-Aid

Posted by D.A. King at 11:13 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

For those of you who are not familiar with Sam Zamarripa’s boy, Jerry Gonzalez, it is a hoot to watch him spout the few talking points that he has learned while he tries his best to convince us that he is not for open borders, that illegal immigration is good for America and that illegal aliens should be allowed to remain in the U.S.

Gonzalez is the American who brought about 50 illegal aliens into the Georgia Capitol and the Senate Chambers to lobby against SB 529 and told the Georgia legislators that they should consider the illegals “constituents”.

Look for more on Jerry here soon.

Until then, please be aware of his efforts to “educate” us on the joys of illegal immigration at various locations around the Atlanta area. I can gaurantee a good time and some good laughs.
Here is a link to Atlanta Latino article [English tab, top right] with info.

Experts will present their points of view on the local response to undocumented immigration in cities like Gainesville and Dalton, undocumented immigrants and the tax base, as well as an economic, social and political analysis of local laws like SB 529, which cracks down on illegal immigration.

“Obviously, in law, there is an issue there because a large majority of the workforce is undocumented, and I think everybody is in agreement that this needs to be dealt with,” says Diaz. “But instead of taking what you hear from the media and a lot of the dialogue out there, we want to add academic information.”

Personally, Diaz believes that it is “dangerous” for states to start passing legislation on a topic “as broad as immigration.”

“It’s dangerous, especially in Georgia, which has a history of intolerance and prejudice,” says Diaz, who expects around 75 people to attend the conference. “There’s a history of racism here in the South.”

• Where: KSU Center, Universidad de Kennesaw. 1000 Chastain Rd. Kennesaw 30144
• When: Sept. 7-8, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
• Info: 770-423-6464

Dr. Marcelo Suarez-Orozco, Director of Immigration Studies at New York University and co-founder of the Harvard Immigration Projects, will preside over the discussion, which is presented by GALEO, LULAC and the Center for Hispanic Studies at Kennesaw State University.

• Where: Wyndham Midtown Atlanta. 125 10th Street NE, 30309
•When: Sept. 8, 5:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
• Info: 404-745-2580

McClarty adds that the event is also intended to discuss immigration reform in Georgia and its potential effects on business in order to educate business owners. Therefore, the guest speakers will include State Sen. Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock) and Sara Gonzalez, the president of the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GHCC).

According to McClarty, SB 529 will take up most of the discussion, not only because Sen. Rogers will be attending, but also because this legislation requires contractors and subcontractors dealing with government to verify the legal status of their employees starting in 2007 (the date depends on the number of employees). This is expected to have an impact on business.
• Where: Marriott Century Center Hotel. 2000 Century Boulevard, Atlanta, (Clairmont Rd.)
• When: Sept. 11, 12 m.
• Info: 404-378-8000

September 4, 2006

Stealing ID to steal a job…

Posted by D.A. King at 9:50 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Sept. 4, 2006, 12:37AM
Stealing an identity to work is becoming more common
Many illegal immigrants using a stranger’s Social Security number for their daily lives

New York Times

Camber Lybbert thought it was a mistake when her bank told her that her daughter’s Social Security number was on their files for two credit cards and two auto loans, with an outstanding balance of more than $25,000. Her daughter is 3 years old.

For Lybbert and her husband, Tyson, the call was the beginning of a five-month scramble trying to clear up their daughter’s credit history. As it turned out, an illegal immigrant named Jose Tinoco had stolen their daughter’s Social Security number, not in pursuit of a financial crime, but in order to get a job.

The Social Security Administration is legally barred from sharing information with immigration or law enforcement agencies, or from telling the rightful owner of a Social Security number that someone else is using their number, said Mark Hinkle, a spokesperson.

Many have called for better cooperation among the Social Security Administration, IRS and Department of Homeland Security to prosecute workers who use false numbers and companies that hire them.

The rest here:

AJC letter concerning immigration and Mexico…in case you missed it

Posted by D.A. King at 7:42 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Letters: Immigration nation

Published on: 08/31/06

Anna Cablik should be applauded for taking the position that “it is not right to impose our customs and language on a country that has accepted us” in speaking of immigrants into the U.S. (“English is key, immigrant says. Entrepreneur donates books,” AJC Northside News, Aug. 10).
Until fairly recently, that attitude was simply the common sense norm. Throughout American history immigrants have made it a goal to assimilate into American culture. Learning to speak English was a source of pride.

Sadly, Ms. Cablik’s opinion is not shared by the leftist ethnic groups who preach bilingualism and separatism such as the National Council of La Raza [in English: The Race] and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund [MALDEF].

More sad is that American corporations are the primary donors to these well-funded organizations who label themselves “civil-rights” advocates.

Cablik has used a common catch phrase of these groups: “the immigration system is broken” and observed “I feel for all those wanting to emigrate to the U.S. from Mexico, because there are no visas available.”

Indeed. According to the DHS Office of Immigration Statistics, the number of Mexican-born people who received green cards in fiscal year 2005 was 161,445, out of total legal immigration of 1,122,373. Mexico’s totals were higher than the next two countries, India and China, combined. Maybe Ms. Cablik means that we should accept everyone into our country? If so, we may want to think about making I-75 64 lanes wide instead of the planned 32 in Cobb County. We can figure out the water shortage later. Right?

A poll from last year showed that more than 40 percent of Mexico’s 110 million would emigrate to the U.S. if they could.

We should try to remember that there is no universal civil right to live in the United States. Immigration helped populate America, but like fertilizing one’s lawn, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

We have the highest legal immigration quotas on the planet. We as a nation have nothing to apologize for, and yes, part of the immigration system is “broken.” The enforcing the rules and borders part.

It is past time for Mexican citizens to work hard in Mexico to make theirs a nation that is more like America … not the reverse.

D.A. KING, Marietta

Editor’s note: King is president of the Dustin Inman Society, a Marietta-based coalition of citizens “dedicated to educating the public on the consequences of illegal immigration.”

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