September 8, 2006

Today’s Marietta Daily Journal column by D.A. King

Posted by D.A. King at 10:44 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

As promised, I will post my MDJ columns on the blog as well as here
I have added a few hyperlinks to educate the reader.

Cobb should heed the lessons being learned in California
D.A. King
Marietta Daily Journal
Sept, 8, 2006

Unless you watch the daily Lou Dobbs show on CNN, or actively search for news on the internet, it is easy to miss the clear and present danger to the future of our children’s America that the ongoing crime of illegal immigration represents.

Most of the politically incorrect news from around the country on the crisis is intentionally absent from newspaper headlines and nightly news broadcasts.

Examples? Stop me if you heard this one from Illinois last year: A Chicago area schoolboy was reprimanded by his principal for not standing during the national anthem.

The Mexican national anthem.

Or this: Protesting recently passed U.S. House legislation aimed at securing our borders and controlling illegal immigration, in March, jeering students from neighboring districts lowered the American flag at California’s Montebello High School, replaced it with the Mexican flag and then flew beneath it – upside down – the Stars and Stripes.

Late last month, in another telling display of loyalty by illegals and those who support them, the American flag was taken down, defiled, and then the flag of Mexico was raised in its place over the United States Post Office in Maywood, California – USA.

Placards reading “go back to Europe! This is our continent and All Europeans are illegal since 1492! proudly reflected the agenda of the snarling ethnically motivated protestors.

Most Georgians have not heard about racist and seditious events like these – or of the town of Maywood. The small metropolitan Los Angeles suburb may seem totally unrelated to us because of its location and distance, but we can learn something of the true agenda of many illegal aliens and their leaders from what is happening there.

Without immediate and decisive local action here, California and Maywood could be examples of what to expect in Georgia and suburban Atlanta.

The federal government released a report last month showing that from 2000 to 2005, Georgia suffered the fastest growing population of illegal aliens in the entire nation – including California and all of the other Border States.
The illegal population in Georgia increased 114%; the next highest rate of growth was in Arizona, with 45%. One can only wonder what the citizens of Maywood thought when they got similar news on California more than twenty years ago. Their mistake is now easy to see: They trusted the federal government to remedy the problem.

Maywood, designed to accommodate about 10,000 people, is officially a town of 29,000 people – another estimate is around 46,000 when illegal aliens are counted.

A drive through Maywood today reveals many instances of five and six mailboxes per house, with garages, sheds and temporary buildings being used as residences.

In a town that is now 97% Hispanic – and nearly half illegal – the recently elected Maywood city council has eliminated its traffic police with the reasoning that too many Latinos were being cited for driving without a license and drunk driving. The new leaders described the previous traffic enforcement as “racist” and “oppressive”. “I don’t really see the legal and illegal distinction
 we are all human beings” remarked Felipe Aguirre, the new deputy mayor.

One life-long resident is quoted in the British press as cautiously complaining, “you go to the city council and they all speak Spanish”.

There is a lesson here somewhere.

Earlier this year, the city government adopted guidelines that prohibit the city from any enforcement of U.S. immigration law, declaring the city a “haven for illegals”.

What does this have to do with Georgia?

No Georgia counties, Cobb included, have taken advantage of a 1996 law that provides federal training to expand existing local police authority to enforce immigration laws.

Last month, in Clayton County, the first government dual – language school in Georgia opened. Students at Unidos Dual Language Charter School get about 70 percent of their reading, writing, social sciences and math in Spanish, and 30 percent in English, reports school founder Dell Perry 
”it’s [Spanish] sort of where things are going,” Perry said in an AP interview. “We’d be really arrogant to expect everybody to speak English.” one student’s mother explained.

Here in Cobb County, a Mexican citizen, Teodoro Maus, who is also a former Atlanta Mexican Consul General and organizer of the March 17 Alliance of Georgia, which staged massive rallies in Georgia this spring in a demand for amnesty and the “rights” of illegals, is the paid “cultural liaison” for the school system.

There is a lesson here somewhere.


State Senator Sam Zamarripa voted NO on the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act – SB 529

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For the many new readers here who tell me they are not fully aware of Georgia State Senator Sam Zamarripa, here is a link from a blog entry posted during the last session of the Georgia General Assembly – February, 2006.

Zamaripa was allowed to vote on SB 529 – which is now law. He voted “NO”.

September 7, 2006

Just in from Campo Minutemen: Illegal aliens attempt to run down American Border Patrol Agent

Posted by D.A. King at 10:14 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

I was turning off early tonight, but wanted to post this e-mail from Campo, California – USA.

Don’t worry…nothing like this could ever happen here …right?

From the Campo Minutmen:

A van of crossers reportedly tried to run over a border patrol agent in Smith
Canyon this morning and the border patrol agent reportedly fired shots. No one was
hurt and the vehicle was later stopped.

Media source states it was a suspected smuggling vehicle


>From JJ:

I just called Kingfish on the Campo Line for an update on the incident this morning out there. According to Kingfish,” a van full of illegals attempted to escape from a B.P. Agent by running him down on Shocky Truck Trail, near where it intersects with Highway 94. The agent fired shots at the van as it attempted to escape. The van was apprehended on 94 west of Forrest Gate Road a short time later. The illegals inside said they had infiltrated into the USA through Smith Canyon, an area not currently being patrolled by the Campo MM due to lack of manpower, and just east of the areas currently under patrol by the Campo MM.”
Kingfish has just adjusted his position to be able to watch the South end of Smith Canyon.

Reporting history as it is being made,

Sam Zamarripa’s GALEO Statement regarding Gov. Perdue’s recent action on fraudulent documents

Posted by D.A. King at 9:52 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

GALEO Statement
Found in GALEO Website/Newsletter
Written by Jerry Gonzalez

Yesterday, Governor Perdue announced an new policy and legislative initiative called SecureID to crack down on the use of fradulent documents to obtain state identification. Governor Perdue touted this as an effort to combat illegal immigration, identity theft and support homeland security. GALEO attended the press conference and a partial transcript is online … It is shameful that Governor Perdue is wasting his time and energy in promoting a crack down on another …

Read the rest from Jerryplease

Then: call Governor Perdue’s office and say THANK YOU! 404 656 1776

Calderon to U.S; Illegal immigration is a fact of life…get used to it

Posted by D.A. King at 9:37 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From the Washington Post

No ignoring US immigration reform: Mexico’s Calderon

By Alistair Bell
Thursday, September 7, 2006; 3:54 PM

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President-elect Felipe Calderon said on Thursday the flow of illegal workers to the United States would not stop, saying the two countries needed to work together to solve the problem.

A court this week named Calderon winner of the July presidential election after throwing out fraud claims by his leftist rival.

Calderon, from the same conservative party as President Vicente Fox, is expected to be a U.S. ally in Latin America, but he warned that U.S. lawmakers should recognize that illegal immigration was a fact of life.

Read the rest here

Remember this: Mexico is our friend. Forget this: There were 226 incursions by Mexican government personnel into the United States between 1996 and 2005.

Posted by D.A. King at 11:22 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Homeland Security indeed.

Department of Homeland Security Documents Detail Mexican Government Incursions

9/6/2006 12:54:00 PM

WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 /U.S. Newswire/

— Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained records from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that document 226 incursions by Mexican government personnel into the United States between 1996 and 2005. Released to Judicial Watch on Aug. 28 in response to a Nov. 1, 2005, FOIA request, the records consist of annual intelligence summaries of “Mexican Government Incidents,” compiled over a nine-year period. They were designated as “limited official use” by the DHS, requiring “special protection against unauthorized or inadvertent disclosure.”

The intelligence summaries, which can be accessed via Judicial Watch’s Internet site — — provide detailed maps of the incursions, along with descriptions of other documented “incidents” involving Mexican government personnel and Border Patrol agents. The records describe incidents involving shots fired on both sides of the border, unmarked helicopters invading U.S. airspace, drug smuggling and confrontations between U.S. Border Patrol agents and armed members of the Mexican military. Among the highlights:

— Mexican Military Encounter (Armed/Threatening) Rio Grande Valley/Brownsville: “As the boat proceeded to go down river towards the scene, the (Border Patrol) Agent on board advised via radio that several Mexican soldiers were pointing their rifles in his direction. The Agent decided for his safety and the safety of the crew to turn back, but advised that the soldiers were still aiming at them.” (2005)

— Mexican Military Sighting — Tucson/Douglas Station: “The (Border Patrol) Agents were returning to their assigned area when they heard four distinct gunshots coming from Mexico. The gunshots were fired when the Agents were approximately 10 feet away.” (2005)

— Mexican Military Sighting (Armed) Laredo/Zapata: “This boat, which appeared to be a Mexican Military boat, was providing security and escort for the two others that were later found to be transporting 2,716.53 pounds of Marijuana.” (2003)

“These documents show the chaotic and dangerous situation at our nation’s border with Mexico,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It seems as if, once again, the government is failing to secure our border.”

/© 2006 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/

AJC report on Governoe Perdue’s action on black market ID

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From the AJC this morning.

The bottom line is this: We will not welcome those who break our laws,” Perdue said at a morning news conference.

The Republican governor is in the middle of a heated re-election campaign in which illegal immigration has become an issue. The governor in a political ad has touted GOP state efforts to crack down on illegals, and last week he vistited Georgia National Guardsmen patrolling the U.S.-Mexico border near Deming, N.M.

Perdue’s plan, which could cost about $1 million a year, is dubbed the “SecureID” program and is a multi-agency push involving the Georgia Department of Driver Services, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Essentially, the program will place 10 state investigators at the “highest-need” driver’s license customer service centers. The program also would dedicate three new GBI agents to conduct follow-up fraud investigations and partner with ICE to identify document and benefits fraud.

Georgia has one of the largest illegal immigrant populations in the nation.

I was wrong yesterday and I want to correct myself. I wrote that ” The sound you hear is Zamarripa, Jerry Gonzalez and the rest of the illegal alien lobby preparing their yada yada “oppression” howls
and me doing my happy dance.” concerning the reaction to the Governor’s aggressive stance on false ID in Georgia.

The below quote from Jerry Gonzalez shows that I had it wrong.

Association of Latino Elected Officials. “This is a BandAid approach to a gushing wound. This has to be solved at the federal, not the state level.”

But I am still doing my happy dance.

Advice to the near one million illegal aliens presently in Georgia: leave, we want our state, our jobs and our American wages back.

Advice to Jerry and Sam: Find another money-making scam.

September 6, 2006

Governor Perdue to crack down on use of fraudulent documents to obtain state identification

Posted by D.A. King at 6:09 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

NOTE: The sound you hear is Zamarripa, Jerry Gonzalez and the rest of the illegal alien lobby preparing their yada yada “oppression” howls…and me doing my happy dance.

Press Release from the office of the Governor of Georgia.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006 Contact: Office of Communications 404-651-7774

SecureID to Crack Down on Use of Fraudulent Documents to Obtain State Identification

Initiative to Combat Illegal Immigration and Identity Theft, Support Homeland Security

ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue today unveiled Georgia SecureID, a multi-agency effort to combat the use of fraudulent documents to obtain state identification cards and driver’s licenses. Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) investigators will be placed in the 10 highest-need DDS Customer Service Centers throughout the state to crack down on the use of fraudulent documents.

“I firmly believe that if we don’t address the issues that are important to the average person, we don’t deserve to govern,” said Governor Sonny Perdue. “I don’t need a poll to tell me this is important to Georgians, because I’ve been hearing from our citizens loud and clear on this issue. The bottom line is this: we will not welcome those who break our laws.”

`Georgia SecureID represents a multi-agency effort to combat the use of fraudulent documents to obtain state ID’s and provide additional investigative resources to ensure document integrity. The Georgia SecureID initiative will:

Place DDS investigators in the 10 highest-need facilities throughout the state to crack down on the use of fraudulent documents to obtain state ID’s. These investigators will:

Review suspicious documents (fraudulent birth certificates, out-of-state licenses/ID cards, passports, I-94 immigration documents and social security cards).

Question individuals who produce fraudulent documents.

Conduct arrests, issue warrants and provide court testimony in cases of DDS ID fraud.

Conduct follow-up investigations on the sources of fraudulent documents in conjunction with law enforcement agencies.

Provide regional investigative support to surrounding DDS Customer Service Centers.

Provide training to center examiners on document recognition.

Dedicate three new GBI agents to conduct follow-up/investigations of fraud issues including identity theft, human trafficking, drug trafficking and other crimes.

Partner with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on identifying document and benefit fraud.

Be funded with approximately $1 million in the FY07 Amended or FY08 budget cycle.

“It is simply unacceptable for people to sneak into this country illegally on Thursday, obtain a government-issued ID on Friday, head for the welfare office on Monday and cast a vote on Tuesday,” said Governor Perdue. “We owe this to the people of Georgia who foot the bill for public services. We’ve already passed some of the strongest anti-illegal immigration laws in the country, and now we’re taking steps to protect our state on the front end of the licensing process.”

Currently illegal immigrants in Georgia are using valid state ID’s obtained through illegitimate means to obtain employment and access state-funded services. DDS reports that 88 percent of ID fraud cases in 2005 involved either a non-U.S. citizen or fraudulent foreign documentation. Fraudulent identity documents are also a threat to homeland security. At least seven of the September 11 hijackers obtained genuine Virginia identity documents through fraud.

Georgia SecureID will enable the state to ensure the integrity of a Georgia driver’s license, follow the sources of fraudulent documents, combat identity theft and keep Georgia drivers safe by preventing individuals from obtaining a license illegally.

Secure ID Fact Sheet
NOTE # 2… we love this!

# # #

From the Website: Office of the Governor, Georgia State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334
Office Phone: 404-656-1776

D.A. King’s most recent MDJ column

Posted by D.A. King at 3:32 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Because of many requests, I will start posting my newspaper columns here.
For those who have missed it, they are all linked here.

Barbara Jordan’s advice ignored
D.A. King
Marietta Daily Journal, August 25, 2006

“Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: Those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.” – Testimony of Barbara Jordan, chairwoman, bipartisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform

Late U.S. Rep. Barbara Jordan, (D-Texas), made the above remarks as part of her testimony to a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee on the Judiciary, some 11 years ago.

Si- back in 1995. Which was nine years after the “one time” amnesty of 1986 that we were assured was the certain remedy for illegal immigration.
As the Bill Clinton-appointed chairwoman of the Commission on Immigration Reform, Rep. Jordan and her fellow members made recommendations to Congress addressing what was again regarded as a crisis in America – illegal immigration.

They referred to their recommendations as a “comprehensive strategy for controlling illegal immigration.”

The Commission’s recommendations included mandatory electronic verification of legal employment eligibility – “employer sanctions can work” Jordan said. On public benefits (taxpayer-funded services) Ms. Jordan’s Commission recommended against eligibility for illegal aliens “except in most unusual circumstances.”

“Moral obligations work well enough in church, but the law requires a contract,” she correctly observed.

“Deportation is crucial,” the Presidential Medal of Freedom award winner also advised.

Ms. Jordan reflected the views of the vast majority of Americans who are still waiting for equal protection under the law -justice – in their own country.

Lucky for Ms. Jordan that she wasn’t giving such advice on illegal immigration in 21st-century Georgia. The leftists in the media elite who attempt to subdue majority public opinion these days are tireless in their staunch intolerance to such diverse and politically incorrect thought.

I can imagine the invective-filled editorials now. Using previous attacks on such blasphemous Americans as a guide, in the mindless hypocrisy governing the head thinkers at many newspapers, Ms. Jordan would likely be labeled a “mean-spirited right-wing zealot,” “anti-immigrant” or maybe a “nativist extremist” – or even worse.

The outrageous temerity to offer advice that American borders be secured, that social services go to legal residents and that we actually deport illegal aliens – as the law requires – has proven too much to bear for many modern journalists and editors for whom borders are inhumane.

“To make sense about the national interest in immigration, it is necessary to make distinctions between those who obey the law, and those who violate it. Therefore, we disagree, also, with those who label our efforts to control illegal immigration as somehow inherently anti-immigrant. Unlawful immigration is unacceptable,” Jordan told the 1995 Committee.

As proof that successive sessions of Congress and administrations chose to ignore Barbara Jordan’s words more than a decade ago, Georgia was a recent host to more House subcommittee Hearings focused on the same crisis – illegal immigration.

What a difference 11 years didn’t make. It is clear that credibility on immigration policy remains an unattained goal. The illegal alien lobby and the McCain/Kennedy open-borders coalition now label amnesty-again as a “comprehensive” strategy for controlling illegal immigration.

The House hearings on the effects of illegal immigration and the American workforce and American health care were held here last week in Gainesville and Dalton. Having been a witness at one, attending both and listening to the 2006 testimony, it seemed to me that Barbara Jordan’s words were echoing through time.

Most witnesses told Georgia Congressmen Dr. Charlie Norwood, Nathan Deal and Dr. Tom Price, who all oppose the present Senate amnesty bill, essentially what Jordan did in 1995.

We should all demand the Senate and the president listen to and act on the will of the American people and their advice now better than they did to the 1995 Commission, which was chaired by the first black woman from the South to be elected to the U.S. Congress.

We don’t have 11 more years to resolve the crisis, and we have proven that amnesty does not stop illegal immigration.

The president and Congress should finally act on Barbara Jordan’s recommendations. Let’s try law enforcement and border security.

Let’s restore the rule of law on employment and immigration.

D.A. King lives in northeast Cobb and is president of The Dustin Inman Society, a coalition dedicated to educating the public on the consequences of illegal immigration.

Lou Dobbs: Voters won’t tolerate ‘axis of amnesty’

Posted by D.A. King at 3:16 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From the “I wish I had written this” department: Here is Lou Dobbs’ recent column.

Dobbs: Voters won’t tolerate ‘axis of amnesty’
POSTED: 12:04 p.m. EDT, September 6, 2006

Editor’s note: Lou Dobbs’ commentary appears every Wednesday on


Hang on, the political thrill ride is about to begin. Are you ready? I know I am. And it’s gonna be a hoot.

Our midterm elections are now two months away, and congressional, senatorial and gubernatorial campaigns are about to shift into high gear. After five weeks at home with their constituents, or at least some of them, our elected representatives are now back in session in Washington and fully armed with an understanding of the will of the people, ready to do the people’s business.

Their first order of business? Why, to announce there will be no business done in this session of Congress on the critically important issues of border security and immigration reform. Can you feel the excitement?

Congressional and Senate Republicans have discovered that Karl Rove and his friend, President George W. Bush, not only don’t have a clue when it comes to their favored “comprehensive immigration reform” plans, but also that Rove and Bush’s alliance with open borders Democrats represents an axis of amnesty that their constituents simply won’t tolerate.

Our do-nothing Congress and our do-nothing-right president aren’t exactly wildly popular to begin with. And the Congressional Republican leadership has figured out that in closely contested races, any legislation approximating amnesty for as many as 20 million illegal aliens in this country will amount to wholesale defeat at the polls on November 7.

Even the pro-illegal alien and open borders lobby has finally arrived at the conclusion that the American people won’t tolerate an illegal alien population demanding the same rights as American citizens. And the in-your-face enthusiasm of illegal aliens and their amnesty-advocate supporters has waned as the public understanding of the facts has risen.

Read the rest here.

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