September 15, 2006

The Washington Times on illegal aliens, amnesty and political parties

Posted by D.A. King at 11:07 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From the Washington Times

Illegal aliens and the Democrats

Between now and Nov. 7, this page will be highlighting the national security consequences of electing Democratic majorities in Congress. In this editorial, we focus on illegal immigration.
While the Senate Republicans are divided on immigration, that is not the case in the House: Republicans overwhelmingly favor an enforcement/national security-first approach, and House Democrats, whose leadership on immigration matters includes Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California (who would become Speaker of the House next year if Democrats gain a majority) and Rep. John Conyers of Michigan (who is in line to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee) are strong advocates of expanding rights for illegal aliens.
If it had not been for the fact that House Republicans, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner, stood firm, Senate Democrats would have succeeded in blocking passage last year of the Real ID Act. That legislation placed particular emphasis on ensuring the integrity of state-issued drivers licenses to prevent a repeat of the September 11 terrorist attacks, in which illegals used fraudulently obtained licenses to board airplanes. The measure also included provisions requiring that a drivers license expire when an aliens’s visa expires and tightening an asylum system that had been abused by terrorists in the past. In a Feb. 9, 2005, speech, Mr. Conyers likened the law to an effort to expel Jews from the South during the Civil War.
On Dec. 16, the House of Representatives, led by Mr. Sensenbrenner, passed immigration-reform legislation (H.R. 4437) which included provisions requiring employers to verify workers’ legal status using electronic means; requiring the federal government to take custody of illegals detained by local authorities and ending the policy of “catch and release”; and barring grants to federal, state or local government agencies which enact or maintain a sanctuary policy. Unlike the Senate immigration bill passed earlier this year, the House bill contains no amnesty or guest-worker programs. On both the Real ID legislation and H.R. 4437, the overwhelming majority of Republicans supported a tough stance against illegal immigration, while the overwhelming majority of Democrats joined Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Conyers in opposition.
Few politicians can match Mrs. Pelosi’s fervor on behalf of illegals. During an October 2003 visit to Mexico, she denounced federal raids on Wal-Mart stores which employed them as a form of “terror.” The following year, after a new Mobile Patrol Group under the auspices of the Border Patrol arrested 450 illegals in a series of raids in California, Mrs. Pelosi and fellow Democratic members of Congress protested and the patrol group was disbanded.
If the Democrats win the House, Mrs. Pelosi will become one of the most powerful politicians in Washington when it comes to deciding immigration policy. If Nancy Pelosi commands a majority in the House, it would eliminate the one area of the federal government where critics of open-borders policies commanded a majority.

Amnesty, Again – This country should have learned — thoughts from Mark Krikorian

Posted by D.A. King at 12:03 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

This is from January 2004, but worth the time to read again. Mark Krikorian is executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

Amnesty, Again
This country should have learned — apparently, it has not

By Mark Krikorian

President Bush has kicked off his reelection year by proposing an amnesty for illegal aliens dressed up as a guestworker program, plus the importation of millions of new guestworkers and a significant increase in immigration. What is the White House thinking?

The administration first floated the idea of a guest-worker amnesty in 2001, during President Bush’s honeymoon meeting with Mexico’s President Vicente Fox, but discussions came to a halt because of 9/11 (as well as ferocious opposition from House Republicans). Over the subsequent two years, the administration issued occasional statements expressing the continued desire to reach an immigration deal with Mexico—but the complete lack of substance in these pronouncements, combined with Secretary of State Colin Powell’s careful efforts to keep expectations low, suggested it was little more than talk, intended to appease the beleaguered Fox administration and curry favor with hostile Hispanic racial-identity groups in this country.

But there is more to the current amnesty talk than the sweet nothings of diplomacy. The president has unveiled the outlines of his proposal in anticipation of his planned meeting with Fox during the January 12-13 “Summit of the Americas” in Monterrey, Mexico. It is described as a guest-worker program, but the “guest” concept is deceptive; in fact, the program would provide for the permanent importation of thousands new workers from overseas and amnesty for illegal aliens already here.

As to the first of these goals, the president has frequently said he wants an “immigration policy that helps match any willing employer with any willing employee.” Taking him at his word would suggest a return to 19th-century unlimited immigration, with the American labor market open to the world’s other 6 billion people. And, in fact, this seems to be the objective, because under the proposal, employers would decide which workers come into the United States, though it would maintain the fiction that Americans would have to be offered the jobs first.

Providing U.S. employers of low-skilled labor access to the entire workforce of the Third World would inevitably drive down wages and benefits for Americans, creating ever more “jobs Americans won’t do.” The White House seems to view immigration as similar to trade, seeking a market-driven system that allows free movement of people. But immigration and trade are fundamentally different issues. As Henry Simons, a pioneering University of Chicago free market advocate wrote in 1948: “To insist that a free-trade program is logically or practically incomplete without free migration is either disingenuous or stupid. Free trade may and should raise living standards everywhere . . . Free immigration would level standards, perhaps without raising them anywhere”……”

PLEASE read the rest here and pass around to those who are not paying attention.

National Review
January 26, 2004

September 14, 2006

U.S. Ambassador Issues Advisory Message To Americans Regarding Increased Violence In Mexico…again

Posted by D.A. King at 11:48 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Can you just imagine how bad the amnesty-again crowd hates to have to make this announcment?

U.S. Ambassador Issues Advisory Message To Americans Regarding Increased Violence In Mexico
September 14, 2006

U.S. Ambassador Issues Advisory Message To Americans Regarding Increased Violence In Mexico

Antonio O. Garza: “The bottom line is that we simply cannot allow drug traffickers to place in jeopardy the lives of our citizens and the safety of our communities.”

Mexico City, September 14, 2006:

“Violence in the U.S.-Mexico border region continues to threaten our very way of life, and as friends and neighbors, Mexicans and Americans must be honest about the near-lawlessness of some parts of our border region. Recently, throughout Mexico, that violence has escalated with sharp increases in murders and kidnappings of Mexican and American citizens alike. Many residents of Mexico have spoken to me of their deep concern, both for their personal safety and for the future of their communities … a concern I share.

Narco-violence has claimed 1,500 Mexican lives this year and threatened many more, according to public sources. Drug cartels, aided by corrupt officials, reign unchecked in many towns along our common border.

Two days ago in a hotel in Nuevo Laredo, armed men kidnapped 25 individuals who were going to work for a Texas-based company, assaulting and threatening to kill them, apparently mistaking them for a rival drug gang. Last week, six young men 14-19 years old, including one American citizen, were killed in a gang-related shootout. Two weeks ago, an hour-long gun battle in downtown Nuevo Laredo occurred. Americans have been killed in random shootings on major highways outside of Mexico City, Nuevo Laredo, and in the Mexican heartland. In the past two years, there have been dozens of unresolved kidnappings involving American citizens along the border, with over 20 of those cases still unresolved in Nuevo Laredo alone. Mexican law enforcement officials and journalists have been murdered or tortured.

The recent increase in these crimes is cause for alarm for any number of reasons, among them that the crimes put a strain on travel and tourism, on the business and investment climate, and on the bilateral relationship we share. Local law enforcement in Mexico—often driven by their fear of being targeted themselves for execution—have struggled to come to grips with rising drug warfare, kidnappings and random street violence, and the violence continues to undermine our bilateral efforts to have the safe cross-border exchanges, tourism and commerce that are so vital to the region’s prosperity.

The Administration of President Fox has done a great deal to ensure that the rule of law is the rule of Mexico. They have also worked closely with American law enforcement to investigate crimes and reduce violence along our border. But more must be done. Together, we can restore order and successfully take on those who are undermining our society, culture, and institutions.

Today, I issued an advisory message to American citizens describing the increased violence in Mexico and asking them to exercise caution here. Of course, the United States offers its continued cooperation in this battle against criminals in Mexico in hopes of protecting our communities and our citizens from wanton violence. I also have relayed my personal concern to President Fox and the Government of Mexico.”


U.S. Embassy in Mexico City: Office of Citizens’ Consular Services

Suspect in death of Dustin Inman to be released again

Posted by D.A. King at 11:03 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Man arrested twice released

By Ashley Fuller
Cherokee Tribune Staff Writer

The man arrested twice in connection with the death of a southwest Cherokee teenager will be released as officials have learned he is the suspect’s brother.

On June 16, 2000, a car driven by Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez struck a Pontiac carrying Billy and Kathy Inman of southwest Cherokee and their 16-year-old son, Dustin, at a red light in Gilmer County.

Dustin was killed in the accident. Both Billy and Kathy were knocked unconscious as a result of the impact and Kathy suffered injuries that require her to use a wheelchair.

Harrell-Gonzalez, who allegedly admitted to police he fell asleep behind the wheel, was taken to an Ellijay hospital and then was transferred to a hospital in Dalton. He disappeared after being mistakenly released from the hospital and police thought he fled to Mexico or his father’s home in Birmingham.

According to the Gilmer County Sheriff’s Office, the man police believed to be Harrell-Gonzalez was first arrested last September in Birmingham. He later was released after showing a magistrate court judge evidence alleging he was not Gonzalo, but his brother, Roberto.

The sheriff’s office obtained X-rays from the North Georgia Medical Center where Gonzalo was treated after the accident and asked the Birmingham police to arrest the same man again. He was arrested last October as police said their review of dental records determined he was Gonzalo.

Investigators since have met with dental experts from Birmingham and Alabama for a complete dental history. They found differences in the dental X-rays of Gonzalo and the man in jail who claims he is Roberto.

Appalachian Judicial Circuit District Attorney Joe Hendricks, in a motion filed Wednesday, asks that Roberto be released subject to any holds by other agencies.
Due to evidence and Roberto’s conduct, Hendricks in the motion said he believes Roberto knows where Gonzalo is. He has ordered Roberto to appear before the Gilmer grand jury in October to testify about his knowledge of Gonzalo’s whereabouts.

Inman, who has dedicated his life to catching Gonzalo and illegal immigration reform, said he is “dumbfounded” by what has happened.

“It took forever to get him,” he said. “I want the right one and I felt that I had the right one.”

U.S. House plans vote today on border fence

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The House should pass a bill today that says we should…secure part of our border.

UPDATE HERE Bill passed House today

Lets see the Senate explain why this is a bad idea five years after 9/11/2001.

House plans vote today on border fence
By Nicole Gaouette

Los Angeles Times

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., is chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

WASHINGTON — House Republicans on Wednesday launched a renewed bid to stiffen border security and rally voters, unveiling a bill that would mandate construction of 700 miles of fencing in highly populated areas along the U.S. border with Mexico.

The House is to vote today on the Secure Fence Act, which requires the Department of Homeland Security to prevent “all unlawful entries” into the United States, pushes for border agents to use greater force, and calls for more border surveillance using cameras, ground sensors and satellites.

The new bill is the first of several tightly focused border-security measures that House GOP leaders say they will introduce in coming weeks. It represents the latest effort by House Republicans to build momentum for an enforcement-only approach, which they insist — despite objections from both the Senate and President Bush — is the best way to repair broken U.S. immigration policies.

“House Republicans believe we must address the immediate need to secure our borders,” said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and author of the bill.

The Secure Fence Act is expected to pass. When it goes to the Senate, it will present a challenge for the bipartisan group of senators who back their chamber’s broader approach to immigration.

The rest here.

September 13, 2006

N.Y. County’s Bill Would Penalize Contractors Who Hire Illegal Aliens

Posted by D.A. King at 9:38 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

The Suffolk County Legislature in New York is poised to vote on a bill that would permit the county to fine contractors who employ immigrants not authorized to work in the United States.
Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy said he introduced the bill in an effort to deter employers from hiring illegal immigrants. He claims the measure is necessary because the federal government is failing to adequately enforce the Simpson-Mazzoli law, a 1986 federal statute formally known as the Immigration Reform and Control Act.

The Suffolk law would require companies doing business with the county to sign affidavits stating that they have complied in good faith with the requirements of the Simpson-Mazzoli law, which requires employers to examine and retain copies of documents that confirm the identity and immigration status of each employee.

Imagine this: A county government in New York that is trying to discourage illegal immigration in thits community. Hmm…

Below, more from
Michael Scholl
New York Law Journal
September 13, 2006

Under the Levy bill, county contractors who submit false affidavits would be guilty of a class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of between $250 and $2,000 and a jail term of six months. Contractors also would be subject to civil penalties of up to $5,000 for each day an ineligible worker is on their payroll.

In addition, contractors who persistently violate the proposed law would be subject to having their county contracts terminated.

Read the rest here… and pass on to your county government.

September 12, 2006

Natiovo Lopez – “Yes, absolutely I am for open borders…” video

Posted by D.A. King at 11:37 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Watch this video from La Raza conference on open borders and illegal aliens “rights” in California recently.

Listen as Nativo Lopez makes it clear” “..yes, absolutely I am for open borders…”

Watch here.

GO BACK TO EUROPE! Illegals make their agenda clear in Maywood, California

Posted by D.A. King at 11:12 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

This from Bridget Johnson, L.A. Daily News on recent events in Maywood, California. Don’t worry, this can never happen here. Right?

Toward the end of the counter-demonstration, those protesters raised the Mexican flag on the pole in front of the U.S. Post Office. Don Silva of SOS said one woman with his group was assaulted while trying to move through the opposition crowd, and some of their cars had tires slashed and were vandalized.

Maywood, regardless of its demographics, is still within the United States of America, and still falls under the laws of this country. Lobby against those laws if you feel they’re unfair; that’s the beauty of our system.

But when you have virulent protests that include a pre-teen boy yelling “f- that white b-” at a passing fair-skinned woman – me – something is seriously wrong. Especially when it comes from the side holding a banner that proclaimed “Say NO to racism.”

Bridget Johnson writes for the Daily News. E-mail her at

PLease read the entire report here.

D.A. King at the Cobb County Republican Women’s Club

Posted by D.A. King at 7:34 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

I will be speaking to the Cobb County Republican Women’s Club on September 22, 2006.

Ya’ll come.

Friday, September 22, 2006
Marietta Conference Center
11:30 Networking
12:00-1:00 Program

Call for Reservations 770-785-2522

“Consequences of Unsecured Borders and Illegal Immigration”

Click here for details

One of my matricula consular ID’s on Google…and in a Mexican newspaper

Posted by D.A. King at 7:12 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Being the proud owner of my own Mexican matricula consular ID cards (I have three, the name on one I keep to myself) has proven invaluable to illustrate the ease of forgery and access to these little laminated stealth amnesty cards.

I have been spending a lot of time recently speaking to various groups like Rotary, Kiwanis and various GOP organizations around Georgia in an effort to educate them on the facts and consequences of the illegal immigration crisis created by the President of the United States’ refusal to secure our borders in a war on terror.

One of the first questions I ask, whether the group numbers 30, 100 or 1500, “how many of you are aware that we had an amnesty for nearly three million illegal aliens in 1986?”

While the numbers of aware people are increasing, it is still alarming to me that there are so many Americans who are completely unaware of the ’86 amnesty and the fact that we proved amnesty does not stop illegal immigration twenty years ago.

The MSM has done a superb job of hiding the 1986 amnesty while promoting the next one…eh?

As part of my presentation, I talk about the matricula, explain that the Office of Intelligence of the FBI regards that Mexican ID as a security threat to the U.S. and show one or both of my own enlarged and foam board mounted versions.

On both, my own face for radio in the photo. On one, my own name and DOB and address…on the other, I chose a different name – “Al”.

“Al Qaida Gonzalez”. I think it makes the point perfectly.

Google images has one of my matricula consulars featured–the Al Qaida Gonzalez matricula, which appears in several places on Google.

A Mexican newspaper, El Porvenir in Monterrey, has posted an article on its site (under “legal”) that reports on the efforts in Mexico to convince the Mexican House of Representatives to accept the matricula consular ID…like the United States does.

Like U.S. banks do. (The article does not mention that American airlines accept the matricula as well, but that Blockbuster Video does not. )

The original article is here.

I ran it through an online translator here and got this out in English.

They request is accepted registers consular

Tuesday, 27 of December of 2005

The federal Deputies exhort the federal executive so that this registers consular is accepted like identification in all the country.

Mexico, 26 Dic (Notimex). – The House of Representatives exhorted the federal Executive so that the consular matriculation of high digital security, that sends the Secretariat of Relaciones Exteriores (SRE), is accepted like official identification in all the national territory.

Also it asked for the federal Executive to manage the necessary thing before the financial and deprived sector, as well as with the state and municipal governments and the different levels from government, so that they accept this document.

The federal deputy Juan Manuel DĂĄvalos Padilla, into Partido Institutional Revolucionario (PRI), informed that with this proposal he tries himself to support to the connacionales so that when you would reingresen to the national territory accepts the consular matriculation to them that grants the Mexican chancellery.

In interview in the Legislative Palace of San Lazaro, he was sorry that to the emigrants who return to the country she denies the passage to them to Mexican ground with the presentation of the mentioned document although she fulfills the requirements that the SRE for their expedition asks for.

DĂĄvalos Padilla referred that this matriculation is accepted by the Electoral Federal Institute and in the State United it is valid to open banking accounts and to make proceedings before the police departments, public libraries and expedition of driver’s license, among others.

The emigration from Mexican to the United States has grown years in the last and continuously that country accepts or approves diverse requests of the Mexican diplomatic authorities, like the certificate of consular matriculation that is used in diverse states of that nation, indicated.

As far as I can see, the editor in Mexico , in an effort to illustrate the contention that the “consular matriculation of high digital security” is …well…..”secure” has gone into Google images, found an image of a matricula consular, ignored the name on the card, totally disregarded the mugshot photo, and used my Al Qaida Gonzalez matricula image in their posting.

It took me awhile to stop laughing at the irony before I could write this up.

Maybe I should try to become a matricula model.

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