September 21, 2006

La Raza Mounts Drive to Suppress U.S. Law Enforcement

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U.S. Representative Charlie Norwood, Ninth District, Georgia
For immediate release: September 20, 2006
La Raza Mounts Drive to Suppress US Law Enforcement
Key Reformer Calls for American Voters to Fight Blitzkrieg by Radical Group

(Washington, DC) – The ability of state and local police to fight criminal illegal aliens will be undermined by legal intimidation if a mass lobbying campaign by the radical National Council of La Raza (NCLR) succeeds in blocking passage of a critical House immigration reform bill this week, according to U.S. Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA), the leading proponent of supporting local officers in the fight against criminal aliens.

The House is scheduled to vote on HR 6089 containing key elements of Norwood’s CLEAR Act, which would provide funding, training, and resources for state and local law enforcement agencies who voluntarily assist federal officers in apprehension and detention of criminal illegal aliens while in the course of their routine duties such as traffic stops and drug arrests.

NCLR, a pro-illegal immigration lobbying organization that supports racist groups calling for the secession of the western United States as a Hispanic-only homeland, has mounted an all-out campaign to prevent state and local police from voluntarily aiding critically undermanned federal authorities. Norwood says the bill does not target the majority of the 12-20 million illegal immigrants in America, but only serious felons.

“There are the equivalent of 3,000 federal agents trying to arrest 500,000 criminal illegal aliens, of whom 80,000 are violent felons,” says Norwood. “That’s impossible, and that’s why we keep seeing convicted child molesters, rapists, and murderers turned back on our streets instead of being deported. HR 6089 simply reinforces the inherent authority of our 700,000 state and local police to help in this fight, and that’s why this anti-American group is mounting a blitzkrieg against it – it evens the odds against these scumbags for the first time in decades.”

Norwood called for all law-abiding American citizens to call their House member and demand a yes vote for the bill. “For those who haven’t figured it out yet, the entire illegal immigration crisis we suffer is due 100% from our failure to enforce existing law. The other side – La Raza, MEChA, Aztlan – knows this very well, and knows that the continued suppression of US law enforcement efforts is essential to permanently destroying our borders.”

“If Americans don’t wake up now, they’ll wake up one day soon to find their nation has been stolen by La Raza and pals,” says Norwood. “Call your House member today to vote YES on HR 6089 – or throw them out of office November 7.”

U.S. Rep. Charlie Norwood
2452 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515
On the Web:
Phone (202) 225-4101; Fax (202) 226-0776
Contact: John Stone;