A way to stop illegal immigration?
Eliminate the borders [1]…they are merely barriers to increased profit.
Below from Tom DeWeese….NEWS WITH VIEWS.com [2]
“Conspiracy theories.” “Fringe nuts.” “Lies.” “Myths.” These are the words being used by officials of the Bush Administration and others to brand those who have reported on the activities of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) [3], currently operating out of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Opponents have charged the SPP will result in the establishment of a North American Union, much on the same lines as the European Union.
In response to its critics, the SPP has added a “SPP Myths Vs Facts” section to its website at www.SPP.gov. According to the “Myths Vs Facts” document the SPP is simply a “dialog” among the three countries to “enhance prosperity.” It goes on to say the SPP is not an agreement, nor is it a treaty. It says “no agreement was ever signed.”
The truth is, on March 23, 2005 [4], President Bush met at his ranch in Crawford, Texas with Vicente Fox and Paul Martin (then PM of Canada) in what they called a Summit. The three heads of state then drove to Baylor University in Waco, where they issued a press release announcing their signing of an agreement to form the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP).
This year, on March 31, 2006, Bush. Fox and new Canadian PM, Stephen Harper met in Cancun, Mexico. This time their press release celebrated what they called the first anniversary of the SPP.
The use of the word “dialog” is a carefully selected euphemism designed to make the SPP sound like an innocent discussion among friends [5]. To admit that it is anything more would force the government to provide Constitutional justification for its actions.
Moreover, the SPP says it won’t change our court system or legislative process and that it respects the sovereignty of each nation. And, says the SPP Myths and Facts document, it strongly rejects the idea that it is creating a European Union-like structure.
That defense is almost laughable in light of the massive activity-taking place in the SPP office located in the Commerce Department.
First one must know that the European Union was also originally sold to the nations on the European continent as simply a trade and security framework. The idea, said proponents, was to create an economic structure to allow a combined European economy to compete with the United States and other economic powerhouses. Only a few years later nations were told they needed a common currency to provide seamless trade. At the same time, the working groups organizing the EU policy began to morph into what today has become a European Union parliament, which now is working to create a means of taxation, regulation of commerce and a court system.
I hope that you will read the entire article…for the new readers here, please see my recent AJC column on the coming [ if Bush, Fox and the ruling elite in corporate America is succesful] borderless continent here. [6]