September 18, 2006

Denis O’Hayer of 11 Alive News in Atlanta on today’s illegal alien lobby press conference in the Georgia Capitol, from his blog

Posted by D.A. King at 11:11 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Below is a local TV reporter’s blog on today’s press conference in the Georgia Capitol.

Adversaries Enjoy Sniping at Each Other
Latinos Challenge Perdue Statements

Written By: Denis O’Hayer
7:10 PM

Four days ago, I wrote a blog about how some of the opposing advocates in the voter I.D. battle have developed an easy rapport with each other, in their off-duty moments.

The same cannot be said for activists in the fight over illegal immigration. They enjoy goading each other; but their relations are frosty at best.

Today’s immigrants’ rights press conference at the State Capitol attracted a visitor from the other side. D.A. King of the Dustin Inman Society appeared, camera in hand, and began taking photos of the assembled Latino and civil rights leaders.

Toward the end of the press conference, former Mexican Consul General Teodoro Maus turned from the microphone to address King, who was still taking pictures. Maus asked King if he wanted a turn at the podium.

According to King, the exchange went like this:
Maus (smiling): “Do you want to speak?”
King (smiling back): “I would be glad to.”
Maus: “We’re out of time.”
King: “You’re just teasing me.”
Maus: “No, really. Time is up.”

Read the rest here…please…. SO, what is everyone doing on Saturday, September 30 ?