September 6, 2006

Lou Dobbs: Voters won’t tolerate ‘axis of amnesty’

Posted by D.A. King at 3:16 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

From the “I wish I had written this” department: Here is Lou Dobbs’ recent column.

Dobbs: Voters won’t tolerate ‘axis of amnesty’
POSTED: 12:04 p.m. EDT, September 6, 2006

Editor’s note: Lou Dobbs’ commentary appears every Wednesday on


Hang on, the political thrill ride is about to begin. Are you ready? I know I am. And it’s gonna be a hoot.

Our midterm elections are now two months away, and congressional, senatorial and gubernatorial campaigns are about to shift into high gear. After five weeks at home with their constituents, or at least some of them, our elected representatives are now back in session in Washington and fully armed with an understanding of the will of the people, ready to do the people’s business.

Their first order of business? Why, to announce there will be no business done in this session of Congress on the critically important issues of border security and immigration reform. Can you feel the excitement?

Congressional and Senate Republicans have discovered that Karl Rove and his friend, President George W. Bush, not only don’t have a clue when it comes to their favored “comprehensive immigration reform” plans, but also that Rove and Bush’s alliance with open borders Democrats represents an axis of amnesty that their constituents simply won’t tolerate.

Our do-nothing Congress and our do-nothing-right president aren’t exactly wildly popular to begin with. And the Congressional Republican leadership has figured out that in closely contested races, any legislation approximating amnesty for as many as 20 million illegal aliens in this country will amount to wholesale defeat at the polls on November 7.

Even the pro-illegal alien and open borders lobby has finally arrived at the conclusion that the American people won’t tolerate an illegal alien population demanding the same rights as American citizens. And the in-your-face enthusiasm of illegal aliens and their amnesty-advocate supporters has waned as the public understanding of the facts has risen.

Read the rest here.