May 3, 2006

Who organized the MAYDAY boycott and illegal alien rallies? – Or how do you say “Comrade” in Spanish?

Posted by D.A. King at 4:17 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Many have written and called asking how the illegal aliens could have organized the recent boycott and rallies around the nation.

Below is an article from World Net Daily that should educate those who are new to the real agenda behind the open borders/amnesty lobby.

Below that, a link to what Michelle Malkin has to say about it.

Amnesty anyone?

May Day protest organized by communists
World Net Daily

The “Immigrant Boycott Day” was intentionally scheduled for May 1, worldwide known as the communist and socialist “May Day” holiday celebrating the struggle of “exploited workers” internationally. This scheduling decision was downplayed by the mainstream media. Documenting how carefully the radical political left staged and managed this May 1 protest, we found clear evidence that the message of the event was intended to be a communist and socialist anti-U.S. message.

….here for rest of article.
Reconquista is real, Michelle Malkin in Human Events online.

There are none so blind as those who will not see. While the mainstream media heaped praise on the “peaceful” May Day protesters and newspapers plastered sympathetic photos of the pro-illegal alien “sea of humanity” all over their front pages, freelance photographers, bloggers and radio interviewers captured a sea of open-borders militancy nationwide.