December 12, 2005

Temporary worker? or Temporary nation?

Posted by D.A. King at 11:12 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

When someone asks why a “temporary worker program” will not work,
tell them there is no such thing as a “temporary worker”.

Tell them that we tried an amnesty for illegal aliens in 1986.

Explain to them that at present we grant citizenship to all children born on U.S. soil.

Tell them that the price of labor goes down when there is an excess of that commodity.

Explain that many people want to create a “nation with in a nation” and that English is an optional language in Georgia. Let them hear what Mario Obledo, a founder of MALDEF has to say about that nation within a nation. Mention that state senator Sam Zamarripa currently serves on the national board of MALDEF.

Then…send them this from

The Christian Science Monitor

No such thing as ‘temporary workers’
By Michael S. Teitelbaum and Philip L. Martin

“President Bush has recently been promoting his proposals for a large temporary worker program as a way to effectively enforce immigration laws. As Mr. Bush presents it, such a program to address growing concerns over the flow of illegal workers would rest securely on a “win-win” basis in the following ways…

Why is a guest-worker program being pushed? Because some employer and ethnic lobbies expect to benefit substantially and rapidly. There would be costs, but these would be slower to appear, and would be paid for by the federal and local governments rather than by the interest groups that benefit. The result is politics driven by small, concentrated, and well-financed interest groups that expect to profit significantly in the short term.”

Ask them whose side they think the president is on…really.

December 6, 2005

Mexican illegal immigration into the U.S. not caused by unemployment – Pew Hispanic Center

Posted by D.A. King at 5:41 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Pew has done it now…most illegal aliens from Mexico already have jobs, they simply want higher wages.

[This probably won’t be a big talking point from state senator Sam Zamarripa and the rest of the illegal alien lobby at the Georgia Capitol this winter.]

What a concept, too bad Americans are denied higher wages in America. Hmmm, maybe if we make the wages the same here as in Mexico, illegal immigration will go away?

[Or…maybe if we erase the border illegal immigration will go away – or is that what we are seeing?]

They make an average of $300.00 a week and are frequently un-employed. Here in the U.S..
Is that why we must pay their medical bills from our tax dollars?

Labor shortage anyone? Amnesty anyone? No Borders anyone?

Pew Hispanic Center Report: Unemployment Plays Small Role in Spurring Mexican Migration to U.S.

Washington, DC – The vast majority of undocumented migrants from Mexico were gainfully employed before they left for the United States, according to a Pew Hispanic Center report released today. The report suggests that failure to find work at home does not seem to be the primary reason that the estimated 6.3 million undocumented migrants from Mexico have come to the U.S.

Common sense on American borders and illegal immigration looks a lot like this

Posted by D.A. King at 3:05 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

What does common sense on securing our borders in a war on terror and how to begin to solve the illegal immigration crisis in our nation look like?

It looks a lot like this. From a letter to Congressman Roy Blunt, U. S. House Majority Leader and the Chairman of the House Committee on Rules, Congressman David Dreier – from Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo – who organized and is Chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus.

December 5, 2005

The Honorable Roy Blunt The Honorable David Dreier

Majority Leader Chairman

U.S. House of Representatives House Committee on Rules

H-107, The Capitol H-312, The Capitol

Washington , DC Washington , DC

Dear Leader Blunt and Chairman Dreier,

I am encouraged by House leadership and the Administration’s renewed emphasis on immigration reform and border security. As I have traveled to our nation’s borders and around the country, I have seen firsthand the toll that lax enforcement takes on our nation’s security, economy and identity. The American people have long called for us to fix our broken system, and now this Congress might answer.

Members of Congress rarely have an opportunity to rewrite federal immigration law. This instance will be the first significant debate of its kind in nearly a decade, and it could not have come at a more critical time for the country. As such, I hope to work with you to ensure a robust debate that will permit all members an opportunity to put forth their ideas as part of this discussion. This opportunity is too important and too rare to take ideas off the table.

Our border crisis is multi-faceted—it has created problems on many policy fronts that one would not think pertain to immigration. For each problem Members will want to propose a solution, and as a courtesy to you, I have listed some of the proposals from my colleagues on the House Immigration Reform Caucus below.

Fixing our Broken Borders:

Begin building a border security fence
Put military on the border
End ‘catch and release’
Mandate passport usage for everyone traveling internationally
Make volunteer border patrol a sanctioned federal activity
Suspend visa waiver program

Enforcing the Law throughout our Country:

Require a federal response when local law enforcement asks to have illegal aliens arrested
Restrict federal money that goes to local governments that have illegal alien sanctuary policies
Close the loophole which allows religious organizations and their agents to be immune from illegal alien harboring laws
Make a DUI a deportable offense
Increase penalties for smuggling of illegal aliens
Increase penalties for terrorists who are illegal aliens
Increase penalties for gang members who are illegal aliens
Draft minimum standards for birth certificates and birth/death registries
Make unlawful presence in the U.S. a felony

Stopping Businesses from Hiring Illegals:

Make employment verification mandatory
Eliminate the business tax write-off for illegal workers
Increase the penalty for employers who hire illegal aliens
Make businesses who hire illegal aliens ineligible for future guest workers

Reducing the Incentive to Come Illegally:

Disallow all federal funding from going to states that offer in-state tuition to illegal aliens
Disallow the matricula consular card as a legal form of identification
Reform the use of ITINs
Eliminate social security totalization for illegal aliens

Disentangling Foreign Policy from Immigration:
Block any immigration provisions from being inserted into trade bills
Block visas to countries that refuse to take their nationals back
Reduce the availability of yearly legal visas per country by the number of illegal aliens from such country

Restoring the Meaning of Citizenship:

End birthright citizenship for illegal aliens
Eliminate dual citizenship
Make English the official language
Write the oath of citizenship into law

Reforming Legal Immigration:
Eliminate the visa lottery
Eliminate chain migration
Eliminate H-1B visas
Eliminate unskilled worker green cards
Create a Department of Immigration or a cabinet-level agency

Like most Americans, I am optimistic about the soon-to-be introduced Chairman’s mark on this issue, and I am hopeful it will contain many of these provisions.

If, however, the base bill does not include these components, we hope that you will pass a rule for its consideration that will allow for an open debate that will permit these and other proposals to be offered as amendments. While not all of these solutions will become law, at this critical juncture, I believe it would be in the best interest of the American people for each proposal to be given an up-or-down vote.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Tom Tancredo


House Immigration Reform Caucus

Results of GOP poll on illegal immigration.

Posted by D.A. King at 2:09 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Here are the results of a recent National Republican Congressional Committee poll on the impact of illegal immigration on the United States. [ click here]

Now watch to see if the results of this poll are reflected in the actions of the GOP politicians in Congress.

December 5, 2005

Wal-Mart again

Posted by D.A. King at 5:48 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


From the “Inside ICE” newsletter.

ICE Arrests 125 Illegal Aliens At Wal-Mart Construction Site

FRACKVILLE, Pa.—ICE agents executed federal search warrants November 17 on trailers belonging to five subcontracting companies working at the construction site of a new Wal-Mart Distribution Center in Butler Township, Pa.

The search warrants sought evidence of possible money laundering and harboring illegal alien charges by the targeted companies. During the execution of the search warrants, ICE agents detained 125 illegal aliens shortly after they arrived to work at the construction site.

There is more news if you click here.

So many illegal employers and aliens, so little time.

December 4, 2005

Temporary Worker plans…permanent low wages.

Posted by D.A. King at 9:53 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

A recent article in the Detroit News has invaluble in-sight and information on the illegal alien crisis in our nation. This is a must read, honest.

“Illegal immigrants make far less than the rest of the population. Their average family income of $27,400 is more than 40 percent below the legal immigrant or native family income of about $47,700, the Pew Hispanic Center reports the News”. [ As an young man, I had a Detroit News paper route – and was a busboy and mowed lawns…hmm…maybe I am not an American?]

The illegal alien lobby – including the criminal employers – that is presently pushing for another amnesty for the black market labor and the illegal colonists we all see each day will tell you that if we don’t make these millions legal, we will have created a “permanent underclass” of oppressed “victims of geography”.

Read what Vernon Briggs, a Cornell University labor economics professor, has to say about illegal immigration, amnesty, guest worker plans and American wages:

“The toleration of illegal immigration undermines all of our labor; it rips at the social fabric. It’s a race to the bottom. The one who plays by the rules is penalized…a guest worker program guarantees wages will never go up, and there is no way American citizens can compete with guest workers.”

[emphasis mine]

A note to your Congressman – and our senators – with similar observations may make him think before he goes along to get along when the President starts pushing his current amnesty by any other name.

Entire report here.

Joe Guzzardi on Vicente Fox and U.S. President…assistance pays on globalism and illegal immigration

Posted by D.A. King at 1:11 am - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  

Looking around Georgia and the nation, all of us can say it differently than this, no one can say it better.

Joe Guzzradi, our friend, on Fox, Bush and illegal aliens from Mexico in the United States.

Fox sensed that he held a winning trifecta of an exploding Hispanic population in the U.S, growing influence of ethnic lobbying organizations like the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund and a paralyzing political correctness among the media and Congress. He decided to make his case for “migrant rights” early and often

Entire piece here. Thanks Joe.