Over the years this writer has sadly written the words, “most people don’t know how their government works” many times. It should also be stated for near-future reference that many of the people who do know how their government works do not always want immigration enforcement.
The ongoing saga of Obama’s nomination of Dax Lopez for the federal bench in the Northern District of Georgia can easily be used to illustrate that dangerous fact.
Right now, either one or both of Georgia’s Republican U.S. Senators can end consideration of Lopez’s confirmation through what is known as the traditional “blue-slip” veto process. All they need do is say he is not federal judge material.
In case you missed it, Dax Lopez joined the board of directors of the radical, anti-enforcement GALEO Inc. in 2004. In 2010, former Republican Governor Sonny Perdue appointed Lopez to a state court judge seat. In July of 2015, the Obama White House submitted his name to the U.S. Senate for confirmation as a federal judge. Lopez resigned from GALEO a month later.
Federal judges are appointed for life. Lopez is 40, unless he has had a birthday since July.
GALEO boasts on its website of the advocacy and lobbying efforts against immigration enforcement and voter ID — and has done so since Lopez became advisor and served as treasurer and keynote speaker at fundraisers.
Lopez says he is a Republican. His public statement that he “agrees with their mission” must always be viewed with the knowledge that, since 2003, the corporate-funded GALEO Inc. has viciously condemned law enforcement officers — including Cobb Sheriff Neil Warren — who dare to help enforce immigration laws. GALEO has marched in the streets of Georgia for another amnesty, lobbied against state E-Verify laws designed to protect legal workers, against local jails honoring ICE holds for criminal aliens and vehemently opposed English as our official language.
GALEO’s website lists Jane Fonda as one of its “founding friends.”
In August, many very concerned and surprised Georgia Republican elected officials with personal experience on GALEO — including Warren — sent letters to both senators urging them to reject Lopez.
Readers have a right to know that Sen. Johnny Isakson personally called Sheriff Warren last week saying that he was now of the opinion that Lopez “deserves a hearing” in an attempt to change Warren’s mind on his objections to confirming the pro-amnesty, activist judicial candidate.
Warren has sent another letter to Isakson rejecting that idea. Warren’s latest letter can be seen on the blog page of the Dustin Inman Society, where this writer is president.
WSB radio talk-show host, blogger and Fox News personality and Republican advisor Erick Erickson recently shocked his listeners with an endorsement of Dax Lopez for federal judge while telling his audience that this is the best Republicans can hope for.
Then, he actually told his listeners that Lopez would have no role on immigration as a federal judge. “No spin,” pledged Erickson.
While he failed to recognize the fact, WSB, like the AJC newspaper, is owned by Cox Enterprises, which is listed each year as a sponsor of GALEO fundraisers.
Maybe political expert Erickson has forgotten the case of Georgia’s “Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011” that saw a federal lawsuit filed against it from the ACLU, the SPLC, and a host of other leftist open borders groups … including GALEO Inc.
One of the lawyers suing to stop enforcement of the 2011 state law aimed at saving jobs for legal workers was then fellow GALEO board member, Charles Kuck.
Perhaps Erick Erickson has forgotten about the hundreds of immigration enforcement cases federal judges have ruled on in the recent past. Maybe Erickson thinks his listeners are fools.
Erickson also told listeners that a bargain has been struck between the Republican Establishment and the Democrats in the senate on confirming federal judicial candidates. It is the educated opinion of this writer that were Obama’s Dax Lopez nomination to somehow reach the full Republican-controlled U.S. Senate, he would be confirmed with the 50 votes needed.
This makes it possible for either home state Republican senator to push the process to a senate floor vote, then vote “NO” on Lopez — knowing that he would be confirmed with Democrat votes mingled with GOP votes while one or both of Georgia’s senators come home to plead innocent and report they “voted no.”
Pay attention to this issue to see how our government really works.
D.A. King is president of the Dustin Inman Society.
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Former illegal alien lobbyist not right fit for federal judge