After three years of silence on immigration in Georgia, Gov. Nathan Deal fired off an angry letter to President Barack Obama last week concerning 1,154 illegal alien “unaccompanied minors” being secretly shipped to Georgia. He says some legislators are complaining about increased school enrollments.
Like many other governors across the nation, it seems Deal is upset Dear Leader didn’t inform the governor’s office about the influx of new illegal aliens.
Because the MSM — including the Atlanta newspapers — is offering up the usual agenda-driven and intentionally low-information version of coverage on all things “immigration,” here are some inconvenient facts on “the humanitarian, unaccompanied children, border crisis.”
This chaos was created by Barack Obama with the Saul Alinsky-designed intention of crashing the entire American immigration enforcement system, creating a last- minute vehicle for another congressional amnesty and importing as many future Democratic voters as possible.
The results of a GOP-run House vote Thursday on a deceptive “appropriations” bill will show us if the Republicans play along. They have been warned that passing this legislation could serve as a “Trojan Horse” for reviving the Senate’s amnesty bill.
The majority of “the children” aren’t children. Or “unaccompanied.” Most of the “children” that we are told every half-hour somehow made it 1,500 miles from Central America to Texas alone are actually teens, according to the Pew Research Center. Some are gang members. Border patrol agents who come in contact with these “children” are reporting cases of scabies.
And unless you know where to look you aren’t going to find out about the freshly-shaven new “children” with gray hair who claim to be teens while applying for asylum and enrollment in American schools, but who don’t have a scrap of documentation.
The Washington Times reports according to Border Patrol statistics, most of the illegal alien “children” apprehended in the recent border rush are actually entire families. Less than one-fourth of all those apprehended are unaccompanied alien children from Central America.
“The number of illegally arriving families shot up five times faster than UAC arrivals over last year” says the news report.
Information from an actual study of and report on the facts on “the children” from the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies doesn’t help the Obama fairy tale.
“Despite the attention it has received, by its own terms, the ‘William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008’ — a law aimed, in part, at “unaccompanied alien children” who are victims of trafficking — may have little applicability to the current situation on the border. It appears that a significant majority of children coming across are not “unaccompanied alien children” according to the definition found in federal law. Federal law defines an “unaccompanied alien child” as an illegal alien under the age of 18 who is without “a parent or legal guardian in the United States.” Data from government agencies suggest the overwhelming majority of minors arriving on the U.S. border have family in the United States. 

The CIS report, goes on: “There is little evidence to suggest that the recent arrivals are victims of trafficking, which involves coercion. Instead, families and their children are willing participants in smuggling operations, having paid smugglers (up to $10K) to bring them into the United States.” As ICE explains, “Human trafficking and human smuggling are distinct criminal activities, and the terms are not interchangeable.”

What Georgians — including Deal — should understand and prepare for is that all of this deceit isn’t even the main event in Obama’s scheme. Assuming the House Republicans stand strong Thursday, that would be an administrative amnesty declaration which is likely coming in the next month or so, unless he is stopped.
Deal and the leadership of the Georgia state Legislature were warned numerous times over the last year that Barack Obama would expand his 2012 “deferred action” on deportation for many, if not most, illegal aliens in the nation if the House refuses to allow a path to the Rubio-Schumer senate amnesty scam pushed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the far left.
While Deal remained silent, in the 2014 session, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce convinced the Establishment Republicans in leadership positions under the Gold Dome to kill legislation aimed at preparing Georgia for Obama’s unconstitutional action. A bill intended to alter Georgia law so that “deferred action” illegal aliens could not legally access most public benefits — including driver’s licenses — was declared “anti-business” and killed.
Georgia has more illegals than Arizona. With an estimated population of 400,000 or so “victims of borders” in Georgia, you may by wondering why the sudden angry fuss from a few legislators and Deal about Obama secretly adding 1,154 more.
Try this: The November election is in about 100 days.
D.A. King of east Cobb is president of The Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized expert on immigration.
Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Immigration and the children Obama s border crisis a setup and Georgia s not ready