The many faces of Marco Rubio...

By D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, May 22, 2013

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Marco Rubio is often described as a “fresh face” in GOP politics. We surmise that fully depends on which of his faces are in question. Here’s hoping for the expanded recognition of the arrogance and contempt he clearly holds for the intelligence and memory of pro-enforcement Americans

Good news for conservatives! Marco Rubio’s “I wanna be president” poll numbers are taking a decided dip. That happy fact is starting to make this writer think there may be hope for a dash of sanity in immigration policy this year. Maybe even hope for the Republican Party. Possibly even for conservatives too!

It seems that despite the all-out efforts of the big-money, legalization-again machine and the liberal media (apologies for the repetition), many real conservatives recognize the stench of betrayal radiating from Golden Boy Rubio and his “It’s not amnesty” scam.

As noted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Rubio’s approval rating among self-described conservatives has dropped since the Schumer/Rubio Gang of Eight Amnesty bill was unveiled.

A Public Policy Poll released last week shows that, when asked for their preference on a GOP candidate for the 2016 presidential race, only 17 percent of “very conservative” respondents indicated support for Rubio. That’s down nine points from March. Only 18 percent of “somewhat conservative” respondents supported him — a four point decline from before the amnesty bill introduction.

Rubio’s approval numbers went down about five points with Latinos in the same polling since introducing his amnesty bill.

This is the exact opposite effect the Republican establishment has been peddling. Apparently, many Latinos didn’t get the memo from John McCain and “GOP Central” that they were supposed to be all-in on amnesty, expanding legal immigration and adding 33 million more job-seekers to the American labor market in the next decade while trashing American immigration laws.

Voters who still depend on the liberal mainstream media for their “news” may need a little background on Rubio and his campaign promises before he was elected to the U.S. Senate as a (I love this) “Tea Party Darling.”

So let’s outline some campaign promises and position statements from Rubio on legalization for millions of undocumented Democrats. Here is one courtesy of PowerLine blog. Rubio, as of 2009: “If you go to people and say: ‘Look, well you’ve been here for so long that even though you broke the law we’re going to let you stay.’ … It demoralizes the people that are going through the legal process. It’s a very clear signal that ‘Why go through the legal process if you can accomplish the same thing through the illegal process?’”

Rubio then said, “I never have and never will support any effort to grant blanket legalization amnesty to folks that have stayed in this country illegally.” This was well before he went to the U.S. Senate and fell in with the John McCain/Lindsey Graham anti-enforcement crowd. It was also before he began tirelessly hauling water for Democrat Chuck Schumer.

(Note: Schumer was shilling in the U.S. House for the 1986 version of “It’s not amnesty.” On my MDJ blog, readers can see actual archived video of him and others parroting the exact same fairy tales being used as arguments for the 2013 legalization).

Heads up, for those who may have missed it: The “reform” bill Rubio is now hawking for big business removes the illegal status from the millions of illegal aliens within months of the left-handed signature of Barack Obama, were it to become law. They become legal residents and eligible for state and local benefits on the spot. The promise, even less than in 1986, is that there will be a “plan” devised to secure the border after “It’s not amnesty.”

In a 2010 Fox News campaign debate against Florida’s Charlie Crist, Rubio also declared: “As far as amnesty, that’s where the governor (Crist) and I disagree. He would have voted for the (2007) McCain plan. I think that plan is wrong, and the reason why I think it’s wrong is that if you grant amnesty, as the governor proposes that we do, in any form, whether it’s back of the line or so forth, you will destroy any chance we will ever have of having a legal immigration system that works here in America.”

Marco Rubio is often described as a “fresh face” in GOP politics. We surmise that fully depends on which of his faces are in question. Here’s hoping for the expanded recognition of the arrogance and contempt he clearly holds for the intelligence and memory of pro-enforcement Americans.

Despite Rubio’s ridiculous radio and TV ad campaign, a Rasmussen poll last week shows only 30 percent think the government is likely to actually secure the border if the Gang of Eight legalization scam passes.

Apparently, the other 70 percent remember 1986.

Here’s hoping they always remember the many faces of Marco Rubio, too.

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized expert on illegal immigration. The Dustin Inman Society on Facebook – Twitter @DAKDIS.

Copyright 2013 The Marietta Daily Journal. All rights reserved.

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