KSU should hold balanced disscussion of immigration reform - but don't hold your breath

By D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, October 17, 2012

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Umm …“Permissivists?” Head scratcher, isn’t it? Let me help. Somebody has apparently concocted a word to describe the “We want open borders, uninhibited migration is a human right…” agenda. It is no-doubt intended as a roll-off-the-tongue opposite for “immigration restrictionist” — those dastardly people who demand that immigration into the U.S. be legal, come in manageable numbers, be sustainable and that it benefit the United States of America.

Starting Thursday Kennesaw State University is hosting a three-day “4th Conference on Immigration to the Southeast: Policy Analysis, Conflict Management” event. Curious citizens should consider attending to hear the academic researchers “share.” (See my MDJ blog for links to the KSU event webpage and additional information).

Bring your checkbook. Exposure to the wit and wisdom of the assembled “experts” on immigration and “conflict management” will cost you up to $125. But it could be a bargain for Americans who have never seen some open borders radicals offer up their hissing, anti-enforcement arguments as members of KSU panel discussion groups.

Example? Azadeh N. Shashahani, “Immigrants Rights Director” for the Georgia ACLU, is taking a break from her work to end enforcement of American immigration laws to participate as a panelist focused on higher education for illegal aliens. Shashahani, well-known in Gold Dome committee hearings on state legislation aimed at protecting jobs and benefits for legal residents (she is vehemently against it. “Stop the Deportations! Stop the Raids! Stop 287 g!”) is also head organizer of the “Georgia Detention Watch,” an assembly of leftist groups — including Amnesty International and the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center — determined to stop immigration enforcement.

Another very appropriate panelist is Mexican citizen Adelina Nichols of the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (“Stop the raids and deportations!”) who in 2003, imported speakers from the Socialist Workers Party — including a party leader, Roger Calero — to advise a meeting of “Georgians for Safer Roads,” (an organization founded by the perpetually angry anti-enforcement extremist Jerry Gonzalez of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials).

This was more notable before open socialism went to the White House. The goal then was Georgia driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. Or just plain “immigrants” in the dishonest Newspeak of the open borders mob.

Something you likely won’t hear at this KSU immigration conflict management event: By federal definition “immigrants” are easily separated from illegal aliens. Immigrants do not require amnesty. Again.

A similar KSU event two-years ago had one of this long-time American’s favorite titles for a panel topic: “Mayans, Mexicans, Public Policy, Applied Anthropology and the limits of Highway Safety in the Suburbs.” (Alan LeBaron, a KSU professor and an organizer of this year’s seminar). What a hoot.

This year’s winner is “Talking about Immigration: What Permissivists Need to Understand about Public Opinion.”

Umm …“Permissivists?” Head scratcher, isn’t it? Let me help. Somebody has apparently concocted a word to describe the “We want open borders, uninhibited migration is a human right…” agenda. It is no-doubt intended as a roll-off-the-tongue opposite for “immigration restrictionist” — those dastardly people who demand that immigration into the U.S. be legal, come in manageable numbers, be sustainable and that it benefit the United States of America.

Other facts you don’t get from the mainstream media and likely won’t hear from the presenting “immigration researchers” over at the third-largest university in Georgia: Regardless of the fact that more than 20 million Americans — including immigrants — are out of work, the United States takes in more legal immigrants than any other nation, more than one million annually. Or that traditional levels of immigration are around 300,000 a year.

According to the most recent data from DHS, the country that sends the most legal immigrants to this country is Mexico, with nearly twice the number of souls each year as nation No. 2. What is nation No. 2 in sending replacement future citizens and voters? It’s communist China. No. 3? India. Then the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Vietnam, South Korea, Columbia, Haiti, Iraq, Jamaica, El Salvador, Bangladesh, Burma, Pakistan, Iran, Peru, Ethiopia, then, at number 20, Canada.

Or that English is an optional language in Georgia and America. Or that Georgia suffers more illegal aliens than Arizona and Georgia taxpayers reportedly spend more than $2.4 billion annually on illegal residents and their “anchor” babies. Or that while Georgia has an official unemployment rate of more than 9 percent, the Pew Hispanic Center says at least 7 percent of the state’s workforce is black-market labor. “Conflict management” indeed.

You probably aren’t going to learn that using Census Bureau data, a recent Center for Immigration Studies paper showed that in 2010, some 36 percent of immigrant-headed households used at least one major welfare program (primarily food assistance and Medicaid) compared to 23 percent of native households. And 23 percent of immigrants and their U.S.-born children lived in poverty, compared to 13.5 percent of natives. Immigrants and their children accounted for one-fourth of all persons in poverty.

KSU would do the community a service by hosting a balanced discussion of American immigration policy someday.

But don’t hold your breath.

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society and a nationally recognized authority on immigration

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - KSU should hold balanced discussion of immigration reform but don’t hold your breath

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