Constitution shredded...but GOP remains mostly silent on reversing amnesty decree

By D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, June 21, 2012

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Want to see 40-something illegal aliens who escaped capture at the border last week “document” that they are really 29 year-old, victimized graduates of high school in Any Town USA … through a government provided translator? Just watch the “let me show you my papers” fraud coming if this travesty of a mockery of a sham is allowed to move forward. And while Republicans run the U.S. House. And in a presidential election year.

Like most Americans, this writer has a certain amount of sympathy for young people whose parents put them in the “illegal alien” category. But not to the extent that I am willing to silently watch any panicked president run the Constitution of United States through the White House shredder or openly convert the remains of the republic of our founders into a third-world dictatorship because of fading re-election numbers.

Now, let’s be clear: Obama’s recent vote procurement, anti-enforcement decree is not only about whether the United States government will enforce our immigration laws. And despite what the political left and the despicable Obama-enabling liberal media — along with a whimpering collection of mindless, knee-jerk fools who describe themselves as “conservatives” — would have us think, Congress has acted on the DREAM Act amnesty for illegal aliens. The failed legislation is not “in limbo.”

Three times in 11 years the nation’s legislative body has said “No” to the DREAM Act amnesty — including a Congress that was fully controlled by Democrats.

In a frantic search for votes, and not happy with the answer, scepter in hand, Barack Hussein Obama has also acted. Like a third-world dictator.

Since Inauguration Day, the multi-national (and largely corporate funded) illegal alien lobby has been demanding that the president set aside enforcement of any American immigration laws that do not further their amnesty-again agenda.

“Dear Ruler” finally complied last week in a transparent and sickening act of pandering. This, less than a year after he acknowledged that his constitutional duty is to enforce the law — even immigration law. Even for Hispanics. Etch-a-Sketch analogy, anyone?

Americans looking for a better life watch as far too many Republicans — including presidential candidate Mitt Romney — remain mostly silent or inactive. When asked for reaction on the refusal of the president to fulfill his sworn oath of office on immigration enforcement, Georgia’s GOP Gov., Nathan Deal, boldly referred questions to the state’s congressional delegation.

We should all listen carefully to their responses.

Georgia ranks sixth in the nation in the population of illegal aliens and last year Deal quoted reports that illegal immigration is costing the state more than $2 billion annually.

Has anyone seen news reports of the outraged protests and “We the People! …” press releases against the illegal Obama amnesty from a single Tea Party group?

Conservative Iowa Republican congressman Steve King put it just right when he told CNN that “This is no longer a debate about immigration policy. The debate is now about the constitution and the rule of law. Americans should be outraged that President Obama is planning to usurp the constitutional authority of the United States Congress and grant amnesty by edict to 1 million illegal aliens,” he said. “There is no ambiguity in Congress about whether the DREAM Act’s amnesty program should be the law of the land. It has been rejected by Congress, and yet President Obama has decided that he will move forward with it anyway.”

Rep. King has promised to bring suit against the president and ask for a court to enjoin him from implementing his unconstitutional and unlawful policy. He needs help.

News for the media: the “one million illegal aliens to be affected” estimate is actually quite low.

As my friend Roy Beck of the Washington D.C.–based, pro-enforcement American worker defense organization NumbersUSA writes on the Fox News website, “And the increase in the labor supply will not be small. Most news reports at first suggested that around 800,000 illegal aliens would benefit from the president’s offer of job permits. But that is a misinterpretation of estimates in 2010 about the effect of the DREAM Act amnesty that the lame duck Senate defeated. There were nearly 2 million illegal aliens who could qualify for the provisional part of the amnesty because they were in high school, in college or had already graduated from college. But only about 800,000 were expected to actually end up as college graduates and qualify for the permanent amnesty.

“Because the new Obama amnesty would not require college graduation, the 800,000 figure is no longer valid. All 2 million would qualify. In addition, the Obama amnesty would not require a person to even go to college, which would add hundreds of thousands more illegal aliens to the beneficiary list.”

Want to see 40-something illegal aliens who escaped capture at the border last week “document” that they are really 29 year-old, victimized graduates of high school in Any Town USA … through a government provided translator? Just watch the “let me show you my papers” fraud coming if this travesty of a mockery of a sham is allowed to move forward. And while Republicans run the U.S. House. And in a presidential election year.

D.A. King is a nationally recognized authority on illegal immigration and president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society. He is not a member of any political party.

Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Constitution Shredded but GOP sits mostly silent on reversing amnesty decree

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