Adios, Newt - Nothing ‘humanitarian’ about Gingrich amnesty proposal

By D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, November 24, 2011

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For Newt Gingrich, it seems that amnesty is an every-25 year “humanitarian” project.

Many thanks to the former House Speaker for explaining his core values and oh-so-morally-superior “compassion” on America’s illegal immigration crisis, another amnesty and the rule of law in the GOP presidential primary debate this week.

This long-time American was ever so close to making the blunder of supporting him for president.

With a blend of talking points taken from the anti-enforcement Chamber of Commerce, Barack Obama, the National Council of La Raza, the open borders Big Religion Inc. and Jerry Gonzalez of GALEO, the former speaker ended any confusion about his aversion to enforcement of the laws on immigration he voted for as a congressman.

“I do not believe that the people of the United States are going to take people who have been here a quarter century, who have children and grandchildren, who are members of the community, who may have done something 25 years ago, separate them from their families and expel them. I’m prepared to take the heat for saying, let’s be humane in enforcing the law without giving them citizenship but by finding a way to create legality so that they are not separated from their families” said Gingrich.

Heads up for Newt from recent Rasmussen poll headlines:

“59% say U.S. government encourages illegal immigration

63% favor immigration checks on all routine traffic stops

Most voters oppose public schooling, tuition breaks, driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants

64% say U.S. society fair and decent”

Gingrich also degraded and insulted the entire concept of legal immigration and U.S. citizenship by referring to not-yet-captured illegal aliens as “law-abiding citizens.”

He added, “I do believe if you’ve been here recently and have no ties to the U.S., we should deport you.” So it is a matter of time? Golly, thanks Newt. Apparently there is a statute of limitations on immigration violations for the would-be president of the republic.

It’s ironic that Gingrich would pick a figure of “a quarter century” as a time period for which an illegal can avoid deportation and then gain legal status in the USA.

Twenty-five years ago, then Congressman Newt legislation that legalized illegal aliens and offered the promise of future employer sanctions and secure American borders.

It was to have ended illegal immigration in the U.S forever.

The 1986 “one-time” amnesty legislation eventually made about three million illegal alien fugitives legal. The borders were not secured. Despite tireless work on the part of the Obama administration and the media to convince America otherwise, they still aren’t secure. Employers continue to hire and employ the less costly black-market labor who made it past Border Patrol Agents.

Despite the fraud involved in the same scheme in 1986, for Gingrich, it seems that amnesty is an every-25-year “humanitarian” project.

Gingrich also said with a straight face at the debate he wanted to create “a guest worker program” to help solve illegal immigration.

This dishonest concept and talking point taken straight from George W. Bush, John McCain and Ted Kennedy is offered up knowing that most Americans are unaware that we already have multiple guest worker programs in place. Including for agriculture. And that we already take in more than a million guest workers each year. Along with another million or so legal immigrants annually. While unemployment runs around 10 percent. And wages are stagnant. And many local governments all over the nation are going broke.

Gingrich knows no debate moderator is ever going to ask him or any other candidate for a reasonable explanation of this lunacy.

As I type, I can hear the usual voices on talk radio who have made up their minds to back Gingrich — no matter what — yelp that we can’t “round up and deport millions of illegal aliens” … yada yada.

Sure we could. Obama is claiming to have deported about 400,000 illegals last year and the year before. That claim is deceptive at best, but certainly those numbers are easily reached. Deporting say, half-a-million illegals every year until they are gone is quite possible and most Americans would support the endeavor. This one included.

But the real answer is attrition through enforcement — making the illegals leave on their own because of a lack of jobs, benefits and services and fear of strict, enthusiastic enforcement of the federal immigration laws for which the 1986 Congressman Newt Gingrich voted.

He has made it crystal clear that they now mean very little to him.

Adios, Newt — we know you too well.

D.A. King is president of the Cobb-based Dustin Inman Society which is actively opposed to any legalization of illegal aliens.

Read the complete article.

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