Bush has picked a side - but not that of U.S. workers

By D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, June 14, 2007


"This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1-1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We well never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this."-Ted Kennedy on the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which actually granted amnesty to nearly 3 million illegal aliens.

“…the bill is a mess because it doesn’t fully embrace its most important aim: amnesty.”- Time magazine (June 18, 2007), on the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007.

In what is unquestionably inconvenient timing for those who have so zealously denied the title - and somewhat amusing for the majority of the American people - this week’s edition of Time magazine, as its cover story, clearly tags the Bush/Kennedy “immigration” legislation for what it is – amnesty.

To no one’s surprise, Time then goes on to support the Senate amnesty bill.

This year, the amnesty is not only designed for illegal aliens, but the very corporate criminals who helped create the language of the legislation that has never seen a single public hearing in the Senate committee process or been the object of any hint of an official impact study to determine costs.

Those who study the issue and a growing number of everyday Americans understand that this is the last amnesty required to achieve the true goal – the eventual free flow of people the nation wrecking concept of “free trade” requires.

Next stop? What the Globalists label as “Deep Integration” - which is merely code for the long desired borderless continent and combining the economies, infrastructures and populations of North America.

Why? It’s more cost effective.

If the big money wins, history will likely not record the fact that the beleaguered American people are the only group involved in the current amnesty legislation battle without corporate funding, but it is true.

Whether or not the voices of the American people win out in the current struggle for the rule of law, what no one should ever forget is that the curtain has forever been lifted on the true agenda of George W. Bush.

With the whole world watching, the American president has picked a side. Sadly, it isn’t the side of the American worker or the republic he swore to protect.

We can all now note who in power are willing to strive to preserve the sovereignty of the United States of America - and who is willing to join the president in attempting to trade that priceless and sacred concept for an enlarged low - wage market place.

We can never forget that for more than six years, the president has refused, without penalty, to obey his oath of office, secure American borders or make any serious effort to enforce employment or immigration laws. He now tells us that to not legalize the illegals would result in being stuck with the chaos of the “status quo” he helped create.

What we have now is “silent amnesty” Bush explains in his desperate attempt to sell his idea of “what is right for America”. George Orwell would likely envy the contived‘Newspeak’.

Not this time Mr. President.

Few fail to notice that it is the same corporate lobbies that oppose raising the minimum wage that are now spending millions to press for legalization of the

defacto slave labor that is endless in its supply and will quietly suffer working conditions that were supposed to have vanished in the U.S. many years ago.

In his partnership with the far leftist Teddy Kennedy, the president’s effort to legalize the decades-old organized crime that is illegal immigration promises us that the amnesty will somehow “return the nation to the rule of law” and will allow us to secure the borders and sort through more than twenty million illegals to determine who is the most illegal.

This is the Chief Executive of the same federal government that cannot issue passports on time to its own citizens… with more than two years notice.

Presidential candidate and amnesty-again proponent Senator John McCain has a similar sales approach for the legislation: “Doing nothing is not an option” he says.

On this, McCain is right of course. Doing nothing is not an option and the American people will be carefully inspecting presidential candidates for any sign that they actually have the courage to vigorously assure us the most basic function of the U.S. government: Defended, defined borders and equal application of American law.

That is what is right for America.

D.A. King is president of the Marietta-based Dustin Inman Society, a Marietta-based non-profit organization actively opposed to the current Senate compromise bill on illegal immigration. On the Web: ((http://www.TheDustinInmanSociety.org))

Read the complete article.

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