It s not amnesty...It's Christmas for illegals

By D.A. King, Marietta Daily Journal, June 1, 2007

"Dime con quien andas y te dire quie eres - Tell me with whom you walk and I will tell you who you are." - Spanish proverb - and a motto from the George W. Bush for president Website

"The American public cares about this issue. They know more about this issue, oftentimes, than the politicians themselves- they want the law enforced." - Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, on the pending immigration bill, to the president of the Senate, May 21

At the recent Georgia Republican convention, Saxby Chambliss, the senior senator from Georgia and along with our junior Senator, a defender of the "It's not amnesty" bill, was booed and hissed when he brought up the proposed "compromise" on illegal immigration and border security being debated in the U.S. Senate.

A Republican senator being booed by Republicans doesn't happen every day in Georgia. But neither do we see our elected officials so visibly walk with the big money and against the will of the people - and the law.

The bill being debated is called the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007. Whatever your common sense tells you, remember this from the president, the Georgia senators and the left-wing media: It's not amnesty.

The secure borders part is a promise (trust us, we mean it this time). You can decide for yourself at whom the economic opportunity is aimed - but a clue is that it is not the low-wage Americans who are watching their wages go down because they are forced to compete with millions of Third-World workers.

Maybe those wages will go up if we wave the magic wand of legalization over the problem - and bring in more Third-World workers?

The accuracy of the "Immigration Reform" tag is, again, up to you. Maybe making it clear that if one can get into the United States illegally, sooner or later he can count on being "not illegal," and that that is an improvement on American immigration laws.

While we hear "It's not amnesty" from the president, the Georgia senators and all who would legalize the more than 20 million illegal aliens even now smirking at Americans - and those who are making every attempt to be one of the more than one million immigrants who join the American family without "It's not amnesty" - a remark from a dear friend last week-end keeps ringing in my ears: "They're right," it's not amnesty," she observed. "It's Christmas!"

The president himself came to Georgia this week to sell his "It's not amnesty" plan, but he forgot to say a few things about the "It's not amnesty" he is desperately pushing. While constantly talking about "triggers" and while walking with the president, maybe the Georgia Senators have as well.

Like something Sen. Sessions told the president of the Senate: "First, the trigger only applies to the guest worker program. All other amnesty programs will begin immediately - the Z visa probationary status begins 24 hours after the Department of Homeland Security begins accepting applications. If the trigger is not met, it is unclear that status will ever expire."

Or about Section 622 of "It's not amnesty" that says the American taxpayer would foot the bill for "providing legal assistance directly related to an application for a Z Visa."

On his trip to Georgia, the president, the self-described "Decider," forgot this too: As observed by the Heritage Foundation (respected people who have actually read the bill) "Title VI's amnesty extends even to fugitives who have been ordered deported by an immigration judge but chose to ignore their removal orders. More than 636,000 absconders are now present in the country, having defied the law twice: once when they broke U.S. immigration laws and again when they ignored the orders of the immigration courts."

The criminals can stay - if they can show that leaving the United States "would result in extreme hardship to the alien or the alien's spouse, parent or child."

There is much more and my friend is right. It's Christmas for criminals in Washington, and apparently the now very wary American people are being given the lump of coal that our leaders assume we will regard as "not amnesty."

We have already unwrapped that little present that in 1986 with the last "one time" amnesty.

Not this year. We want the law enforced. No maybes. The next shopping season for senators willing to walk with the people is just around the corner.

Anybody see another Jeff Sessions around anywhere?

D.A. King is president of the Marietta-based Dustin Inman Society, a coalition dedicated to educating the public on the consequences of illegal immigration.

Read the complete article.

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