Enforce the law to stem flow of illegal aliens
In Mexico, before a citizen is allowed to vote, he must present his federal voter ID - which also serves as the defacto national ID card there. To obtain that ID, he must prove his citizenship, with a certified birth certificate, and provide detailed proof of residence.
On that card is the bearer's fingerprint, photograph and a tamper-proof holographic image. At the polling place, there is a book of matching photos and information for every registered voter in that district. Comparing photos is a very efficient way to clear up any doubt as to the identity of a would-be voter.
I can describe the Mexican voter ID card accurately because I keep one that came from the sands of the Sonoran desert near the U.S.-Mexican border in Arizona on my desk - lose something coming over the barbwire Senor Torres-Juarez?
After having voted, the Mexican voter's thumb is smudged with ink to prevent his voting again - similar to the system in Iraq that is protected by American troops.
As this law is actually enforced, the Mexican system works very well, and is one from which the states of Arizona and Georgia, among others, are learning.
Because President Bush refuses to secure American borders - or to enforce federal immigration and employment laws - Arizona, like Georgia, is home to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens - most of who come from Mexico.
In November, Arizona voters approved an initiative [Proposition 200] that requires potential voters to prove they are citizens when they register to vote. On Election Day, the voter must again prove identity at the polling place.
Other requirements of Prop 200 include that state and local agencies that administer public benefits verify proof of legal immigration status for anyone attempting to collect non-federally mandated state- funded services, and further, that state employees report all applicants found to be in violation of immigration laws to federal immigration authorities.
Sound reasonable? It doesn't to the many who profit from the presence of the millions of illegal aliens in our nation.
One result of the approval of Prop 200 has been that many illegal aliens are leaving Arizona for states that are more accommodating - like Georgia.
Another result is the very vocal opposition from the Mexican government, many U. S. politicians, the criminal employers of the illegals and the vast illegal alien lobby-but I repeat myself.
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund [MALDEF] calls Prop 200 "mean spirited and un-American" - and unsuccessfully challenged it in federal court. From the Socialist Workers Party: "blatant racism.".Arizona Congressman Ralph Griajalva said the initiative was "motivated by hate."
Playing the "hate - race" card is the first line of defense for the open borders mob.
That similar, but stricter, laws exist in Mexico does not prevent that country's government labeling the Arizona effort "racist", "discriminatory" and "a threat to human rights".
Mexico promised last week to challenge the American law in the International Court.
Get used to hearing this nonsense, as similar legislation is coming to Georgia soon.
Arizona senator John McCain says the number of illegal aliens who entered our republic in 2002 was "nearly four million" - 10,000 a day.
Georgia State Sen. Sam Zamarripa [D- Atlanta] put the number of the "undocumented" in the U.S. in 2003 at 20 million.
Zamarripa will be a vocal opponent of the coming Prop 200-like bills here, and with reason. Passing laws that discourage illegal aliens from coming into, or remaining in Georgia could have a negative effect on his personal income.
Never one to overlook a business opportunity, Zamarripa, who also serves on the board of MALDEF, is a founding partner of the United Americas Bank, which does a considerable amount of business with the same illegals for whom he advocates from the state house.
Federal law makes it a felony to employ, transport, assist, encourage or shelter anyone in our republic illegally. [USC 8 ; 1324]
United Americas Bank is now quietly extending mortgage loans to illegal aliens.
"A nation of law" indeed.
Some advice on understanding the organized crime that is illegal immigration, from someone who studies it-follow the money. On how to stop it-enforce the law.
For everyone.