House immigration bill rates a solid C+

By D.A. King, Marietta Journal Daily, December 26, 2005

The U.S. House of Representatives recently approved a bill, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005 [HR 4437], that when measured against what is really needed, comes in as a good solid C+ on the secure American borders/ enforce American laws report card.

The C+ results should be appreciated and welcomed by the American people, as it is the most ambitious illegal immigration bill to come out of that body in ten years.

Language in HR 4437 dictates that we erect a physical barrier on about 700 miles of the U.S. Mexican border, about one third of our near 2000-mile border with that paradise to our south. It makes illegal presence in these United States a felony. What no one is telling you is that re-entering our nation after having been once removed is already a felony under the 1996 Immigration and Nationality Act laws.

The bill from the House also incorporates most of the badly needed CLEAR ACT from Georgia Congressman Charlie Norwood, allowing, but not requiring, the more than 80,000 state and local law enforcement agencies around the nation to enforce federal immigration law.

This is vital if we are ever going to control the violent criminal illegal aliens that operate in our communities without any real fear of being punished. Again, what you are not hearing is that under section 287 (g) of the 1996 law, local and state law enforcement agencies have been able to send their officers to be trained by the federal government to be authorized to enforce our immigration laws for ten years.

Neither the state government of Georgia or any law enforcement agency in the state has seen a need to take advantage of this law and help the feds control illegal immigration in our state. We should be asking why not.

The recently approved House bill does not contain any language that would grant President Bush his much sought after “Temporary Worker” program. [Amnesty]. Our Cobb area Congressmen should be thanked and congratulated on their courage for voting with the will of the people on this. They were opposed by the President, the big money business world, the powerful illegal alien lobby, and the government of Mexico [there I go again, repeating myself]. They “done good”

More good news! To stop the practice of hiring illegals, the house bill requires that all employers use an existing federal system to verify the Social Security numbers of all employees!

In six years.

Not next month, not next year - in six years. We can do better here folks, much better, in six years it may be forbidden to even speak about illegal immigration, much less actually do something about it.

Now the bill must go to the U.S. Senate. If you are one of the majority of Americans who want real action on illegal immigration, secure borders and comprehend that another amnesty will stop illegal immigration, be afraid, be very afraid.

The majority of the Senate does not share your views. Most of us who study illegal immigration fully expect that some of the measures described above will be taken out by the Senate, with an amnesty, by any other name, added in.

What does the Mexican government think of the House bill?

They are livid. El Presidente Fox has denounced the House bill as … “shameful”.

Officials in Mexico are comparing our intent to secure our border with a physical barrier to the Berlin Wall, Hitler, and the Holocaust. Get it?

Mexico has vowed to do all it can to fight such an action to secure America, by any means necessary. It has hired a public relations firm in Dallas to try to convince the Senate, and the American public to continue to allow it to send us its overflow population.

A comment from a Mexican citizen -one who still lives in Mexico - quoted by the Associated Press, says it all “"It isn't just a feeling of rejection. It's against what we see as part of our life, our culture, our territory."

Letters to our own Senators should let them know that for now, the United States is still American “territory” and that amnesty, no matter how they spin it, is simply a different name for waving the white flag of surrender.

Fences make good neighbors. Amnesty for illegal aliens and their employers is national suicide. Senators who don’t listen to the American people make good former senators.

Read the complete article.

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