Signs homeless are willing to work
Oh, sweet irony. Thy name is D.A. King.
The irrepressible Marietta activist who staunchly opposes illegal immigration revealed that he's been hiring ringers to support his cause at a rally staged outside the state Capitol. In what has become an all-too-common practice, King admits he paid homeless people who regularly congregate downtown to hold up placards and look generally disgruntled for the assembled media. The 14 protesters-for-hire earned $10 apiece for their services at Monday's rally.
King refers to them as "day laborers" and suggests they're victims of economic dislocations caused by illegal workers flooding the state. The rally was held in support of bills in the General Assembly that would deny all manner of government benefits and services to illegal immigrants.
King claims he checked first with the free-lancers to make sure they shared his views, even though it's hard to take seriously people who express their outrage for a fee.
"Trust me, they are angry," King insisted. "When the day comes when I cannot pay an American for an hour's work for making their voices heard, it's a sad day."...
...unless King is also scrupulously checking IDs of his, um, workers, he's violating the spirit of the same legislation he claims to endorse. Shame.
Read the complete article.
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