March 21, 2018

SPLC lobbyist, Naomi Tsu, tried to steal my iPhone – she seems very camera shy, but not tolerant SB 452

Posted by D.A. King at 2:46 pm - Email the author   Print This Post Print This Post  


Naomi Tsu – photo, SPLC


An angry Naomi Tsu, an SPLC lawyer and registered lobbyist here in Georgia tried to steal and or damage my iPhone yesterday in a state Capitol committee room. This, in a public space where is is perfectly lawful for photography. She was quite upset that I took her picture and rushed me in the crowded room. It was the only funny thing that happened to me all day.

Tsu registered as a lobbyist on March 1st, which was just three days after the immigration enforcement bill, SB 452 passed the senate – which was (about) two-thirds of the way through the forty legislative day session which ends this year on March 29.

I was one of few pro-American speakers in a recent Georgia state Capitol committee hearing on an immigration enforcement bill – SB452 – yesterday (no, really, I was there!).

To be clear, the lovely Gold-Domed building is a public space and photography is allowed in committee rooms. At least according to Georgia law. But that law takes a back seat to the demands of the anti-borders crazies. They seem to hate photos of themselves on the job.

Below are three pics I took in a crowded space where Tsu had commandeered the committee’s speakers sign-up sheet – because leftists do not wait in line. In the last one, you can see Tsu’s hand just before she grabbed my phone and before I wrenched it back from her. Yes, I did go report her to a State Trooper who was one of several put in placed to control the usual suspects mob.

Before all this, Tsu tried to shake my hand. I avoided that bizarre and revolting situation using the same reasoning that causes me to buy the extra long-handled toilet plungers. I also mentioned that in my educated opinion she is a “slime-er.” She appeared less than pleased with that too. Naomi Tsu, from the discredited SPLC didn’t seem at all, you know… tolerant.

The enforcement bill, a center piece of gubenatorial candidate Lt. Governor Casey Cagle’s campaign was gutted in the Republican committee, but did pass out. The smart money says the senate does not agree to the evisceration, which was led by “this- isn’t-Nazi-Germany”, Rep Heath Clark, Republican committee member.


photo, DAK

photo; DAK